Chapter Four

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"You want to grab something to eat later?" the human girl battered her eyelashes at Victor, clearly confident he would say yes. She tucked a stand of black hair behind her ear and smiled with lips that had obviously seen cosmetic surgery. Her mocha skin glowed against the sleeveless, tight fitting, white v-neck cardigan she was wearing, her legs and behind perfectly encased in her dark blue skinny jeans ending in stylish knee-high black boots. A delicious package to be sure, but still a human one.
"No thank you," Victor blew her off easily. He would never want to settle with a human so completely fake, even if her bust was enticingly (and naturally) proportioned. "I'm already spoken for."
"What a shame," the girl sighed, eyeing him like he was candy. "Well, I'll come back some time, just in case that changes." With a wink the girl took her bag and left, wiggling her butt so much, Victor was sure she'd break it.
"'Spoken for'?" Xenon's sudden voice made Victor jump. "Lying is a sin, Victor."
Victor turned to face his new boss. "What was I supposed to tell her? That I can't stand girls like her?"
"Such prejudice," Xenon frowned.
Victor wasn't sure if Xenon approved or not. That was the strangest thing about the other immortal, he could hide his true emotions behind a carefully constructed mask. Victor didn't think he'd ever truly know who--or what--Xenon was. "I still carry noble blood in my veins," he said to him now. "I don't want to disappoint my parents even more but settling down with someone unworthy."
"Worth isn't measured by blood."
"So you think I should have said yes?" Victor was irritated as he closed down the till, taking the cash drawer out. Why was Xenon pushing this? Was he doing it to deliberately annoy Victor? If he was, it was damn well working.
"She was very pretty," Xenon observed.
Victor shoved the till closed. "Then next time she comes in, you ask her out."
"I'm spoken for, as you put it" Xenon moved away to bring in the signs and lock the door before Victor could even ask. Xenon had someone? Victor had never seen her (or him?) in the time he'd been here. Something in Xenon's tone however, prevented Victor from pushing for more information. But then again, it had barely been a fortnight, so perhaps this mystery lover would show up soon.

Vincent didn't like Nagendra. Though he knew the other male wouldn't hurt him, there was something about those strange snake eyes of his that creeped him out. So he focused on his book while he waited for Victor and Xenon to finish closing up the shop downstairs. The book did not belong to Xenon, rather it had been in the lounge bookshelf, and belonged to Nagendra. Vincent was finding it very engaging. It was called Slave to Sensation and was written by a human that went by the name of Nalini Singh. Nagendra had the entire collection of her books, and the series Vincent was reading was still ongoing. With thirteen more books in the series to go, plus several others of a different series, Vincent was happy.
"Good book?" Nagendra asked and Vincent inclined his head, his attention quickly returning to the book. Nagendra however, wasn't finished. Leaning back against the kitchen counter, he all but skewered the elf male with his unusal eyes. "Are you afraid of me Vincent?"
"I don't like you," was the brutally honest reply. Vincent didn't even look up from the book. Nagendra appreciated the honesty, even if he didn't like what had been said.
"Why not? Do I offend you?"
Vincent just turned a page. "There's a reason people who are distrusted are refered to as snakes."
Nagendra scowled. "We're not all the same you know. That's like saying all elves are archers."
Vincent glanced up, examining Nagendra over the top of the book. "Most elves are archers," he replied. "We are followers of the light god, Apollo. Others are Healers or musicians or soothsayers."
"They can predict the future, just as Apollo can." Apollo was the god of light, medicne, music, archery and truth. Elves sought to emulate these traits.
"I see," Nagendra glanced up as Xenon and Victor walked in. Vincent returned to the story of Lucas and Sasha, no longer interested in conversation.
'What's for dinner?" Nagendra asked.
"I worked all day," Victor scowled, as he flopped down onto the couch feeling tired. "Why are you asking me? Why didn't you cook something?"
"Let's just order takeout tonight," Xenon stepped in before Nagendra could respond. "Any prefrences?"

Just over an hour later, Vincent was on his bed and still fixated on Slave to Sensation, having eaten and ignored the movie completely. He was almost finished the book, despite having only started it that morning. Xenon had retired early, muttering about a shipment coming in tomorrow. Nagendra and Victor were watching the ending of 300. Though they had both seen it before, niether admitted it to the other.
Since Vincent and Xenon had taken the only two chairs, Nagendra and Victor had to take the two seater. Even now when both chairs were empty, niether man moved. For Nagendra, it was because Victor's moonflower nectar/blueberry/steel sent was more intoxicating than zawlaidi wine. For Victor something just felt wrong about moving, he couldn't bring himself to do it and he didn't want to explore why. All he knew was that he did not want to move away from Nagendra.
The movie finished then and Nagendra switched it off and tossed the remote onto the coffee table. Victor turned slightly to face him, his goodnight dying on his lips when he met those eyes of startling yellow-green. Vincent was reminded vividly of the feeling of Nagendra's tongue on his wrist and found himself hoping it would happen again.
Color sped across his cheeks on the heels of that thought. He barely knew Nagendra! And here was was wanting the other man to lick him? Unfortunately, that thought conjured even more erotic thoughts and feelings, causing his face to inflame with mortification. Nagendra watched Victor with knowing eyes, a slight smile on his perfect lips. "What's wrong Victor?" he asked asked his soft voice containing a teasing tone. "You look hot."
Victor couldn't speak, couldn't even formulate a response. He just looked away, his face still on fire and scrambled to get up. Nagendra followed, his movements smooth and sinuous. He took Victor's arm, forcing the elf to face him. "Are you alright?"
"Fine," Victor muttered, feeling unusally flustered. He was the Lonely Blade, a mercenary of extreme skill and reputation. He was known for being detached and grounded, yet he was, losing his cool like a sixteen year old virgin angel! "Just tired."
Nagendra stepped closer. "Is that all?" he asked, moving into Victor's personal space. The scent of the elven warrior was driving him bat-crazy. It was sweet and fruity with a hint of danger. The snake within liked the danger, and the man especially liked the fruit. The sweet accents were just the icing on the cake and he simply couldn't resist leaning in closer to taste it directly from Victor's mouth.
Victor stiffened and jerked backwards, out of his grip, eyes wide. The rejection stung, but Nagendra didn't allow it to show. "No?" he asked with a confident smile that was very forced. "Such a shame, you smell so good, I wanted to taste."
Victor's blush extended even further, sweeping over his torso as he stared at the floor. "Goodnight Nagendra," he muttered turning away and almost fleeing into his bedroom. Alone in the lounge Nagendra sighed and cleaned up the remaining chinese takeout then switched off the light before heading to his own room.
Niether elf nor snake ever noticed Xenon's figure in the shadows, he having watched the entire episode. 'Soon,' Xenon thought, his prophetic gift telling him events were now in motion that could not be halted. 'The time is coming. Soon.'

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