chapter i

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SMOKE AND ASHES FILLED the air, clouding the appearance of the approaching figure.

The atmosphere in Desert Lands was thick and dry. However, in contrast to what most people believed or imagined, there was no brown sand covering the ground in massive proportions. In fact, there were only black rocks in Desert Lands. Along with the occasional black sand sweeping by with the wind and the mysterious smoke, this isolated place was labelled as a dangerous territory for citizens and wandering fighters.

For Scott, though, Desert Lands was merely like a passing breeze.

When the smoke had finally dispersed, he gripped the hilt of the sword that was stuck deep into the ground. Then, without warning, he grabbed it out without a single effort.

The blade was rusty yet obviously untouched for fourteen years, and that satisfied Scott. It had been his dream to use this sword and now he achieved it.

He decided to clean it up in his house, and that was what he did. He took out a clean rag and wet it using a bottle of concentrated liquid called "Shine", then he proceeded to wipe the blade clean.

When the X-Blade (or rather, what his master had called it back then) was finally usable, Scott looked at it almost admiringly with the tiniest of smiles on his face.

Master... he thought. I will take good care of it.

I promise.











Chapter I: Scott Wayland











"SO, YOU'RE THE DEMON Hunter they've been fearing, huh?"

I managed to land the last strike on the giant firefly I was fighting with before turning towards the speaker.

The guy grinned in a friendly manner and stretched his hand towards me. "Hey there. My name's Rodd."

I looked at him for a moment before shaking his hand almost reluctantly in return. "I'm Scott."

"So, you're a Usual Type, huh?" Rodd said conversationally as we both started to walk towards a tavern.

I nodded.

(To a passerby, the two of them definitely stood out. With Scott's blue-black hair and dark, dark eyes and Rodd's bright red hair and beige-coloured eyes, they looked like an odd couple.)

"You're not much of a talker," Rodd said simply, opening the door to the tavern. "Have you always been alone?"

As I was about to reply, loud shouts began to fill the room when we entered.

"Is that-?"

"It's the Demon Hunter!"

"Wait, that's-!"

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