Chapter 1

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If it wasn't so quick I wouldn't have noticed that I woke up. It was not like the last couple of times awakening where it was the haze of drugs slowly wearing of bringing me to my consciousness but a quick jolt of pain.
The first of my wakings I found myself in a thin robe and lying on a cold hard bench beneath me. I pushed myself so I was in a sitting position and the first thing I noticed was how depressed I was. I didn't know if it was the walls or the posters that drooped on them, but whatever it was I hated it and I wanted to get out as soon as I could. That was it my first instinct was to find something, but when you are tied up by the puppet master's strings he decides what you do. before this slight depression could start or truly end I was jabbed in the neck with a needle and then passed out.

The next struggle of my consciousness was short I'm not sure whether it was a dream or reality. His build was tall, dark and muscly with deep brown eyes. He walked by my table and glanced at me. " I'm so sorry this happened to you" he said his eyes tearing up.  I felt even more depressed now, a boy who I don't know feels pity for me. " I don't want your pity" I tried to say but I could only open my mouth and let the dead words roll off my tongue. I was completely paralysed so he stroked my hair back of my forehead until I fell asleep.

Then before I knew it the drugs were fading and I could finally wake up. Come on I can keep myself lively and on my feet, it seemed they had injected my confidence back into me. This was by far the longest of time I had spent awake since whenever, so the first thing I wanted to do was explore the room.

I pulled my hair away from my face and got off my bench slowly, and you would think I would stay up but in a few seconds my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. How did I let myself become so weak it was sickening, but as I stood up I made sure I had grip on the bench I fell off of.

My first few steps were poor but the next seemed fine until I could easily walk and jump over the bench. It was like becoming an infant again and having to learn everything all over. My small adventure around the room showed me that there was no shower or pantry, it looked more like an enclose hospital bedroom. The most interesting thing in the room was the cupboard filled with clothing and a few bits and pieces here and there, so I decided to take this to my advantage.

I stripped of my clothing, no fear of people watching and took a cold shower through a sink tap hiding in the corner covered by the cupboard. I guess the quickest way to dry myself was near the heater but the stupid thing didn't work. I wondered if the people watching me thought it was weird not to escape on first impulse but I would like to give them the falsehood of my intelligence, I also wondered how many other people were held in these white walls.

My eyes wandered once more around the room and I found a few strange objects including a bag of paper clips laying on the top of the cupboard, a toothbrush, some utensils such as a pencil, rubber along with its sharpener and a small stain on the wall amongst many others. I reckon you can tell a lot about this room from its walls. I was almost upset that they made it this easy for me to escape, did they think I was a toddler?

I grabbed the paper clips off the top of the tall cupboard with difficulty with my small build then the sharpener and finally the toothbrush.  I put all these "escape tools" on my  sleeping bench and separated them from most needed to least at the moment. This felt amazing, I could actually find my way around the "building?".I grabbed the toothbrush and pulled every single bristle individually until there was just the the plastic left, this was a slow process but a needs one.

I put the plastic aside and grabbed the sharpener, I thought for a second then looked at the cupboard. Why why why? Were they so willing to let me leave?

The cupboard door handles were cheap and looked like someone just screwed nails into it so the nails were pointing outwards. I grabbed the sharpener and ripped all its outer coating off until I got to the metal bit showing the screw that held the blade into place and pushed it against the door "handles". They were literally the perfect fit so I could undo the screw using the shitty old door handles.

I placed the screw on the bench next to what was a toothbrush and the blade.

The next step was to soften the plastic. They have a heater. I pulled myself up to the top corner of the the room. The heater however did not want to work, so I took off the heaters frame and went inside it. Luckily it was still connected to the wall but two of the wires were cut so I had no heat, I needed both my hands so I balanced myself by putting one leg on the cupboard and the other on the wall. I looked like I belonged behind bars with the way I was acting not in a cold stale room.

My short little legs could keep me off the ground if I pushed outwards. I was still wondering about people if they were watching me, I would sit and not let them get any information off me if it wasn't for my desperation to get out of this room. I pulled the two wires together shaking out my thoughts. This was stupid what if I was fried by the electricity?

Imagine that with all the hard work comes a stupid failure. So I got down and went for my old clothes to cover my hands slowly winding them round and round until I was positive that it would do. I took the toothbrush with me this time and got back in my position with the toothbrush in my mouth. Ready to let it spark a slowly pulled them together until the frayed inside bits of the chord were to meet.

The spark was small but it was better than nothing so I put the end of the toothbrush towards the heater and did the same thing, though my legs were hurting after the many sparks I finally got the plastic to soften, I jumped down and went to my bench and slowly put the blade in the end of the plastic. And there you have it my own weapon ready to go!! I put the small weapon back into my mouth and headed towards the door, obviously it was locked so I grabbed the paper clips and fiddled with the inside of the door for a while. My escape was so close it was not fair that when I opened the door I blacked out before I could do anything.

So I slept and had strange dreams of scientist wanting to take me back to there lab again, to forever watch the White Walls as they and I rot together in a never ending cycle. I heard a familiar voice and then it all went black.

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