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Congratulations! 4 and 9 got married!!! Do their families approve? How many children would the couple have? What would the name of their children? Will they be a happy family?

PSS: Bonnie and Tracey. Okay...age doesn't matter I guess. Their families might have a hard time accepting it...but they'll warm up to the idea. I think they'll have...two children? The first born is TJ (Tracey Jr.) and the second one is Bailey, who is five years younger. I think they'll have a hard time at first, but I think they gradually improve. IDK. I disprove of this myself. UGH.

PC: Cilan and Dawn. I think their families would approve, but certain people won't be happy (Kenny, Conway and Paul). They'll have 3 children. Flora, Sunny and Xenia. IDK why. I just felt like it. Surprisingly...they'll be a very happy family. I don't ship it though.

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