Chapter 11

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Bridget's POV
"And, have you been dreaming recently?" Dr. Neil crossed his legs, and leaned a clipboard against his knee.
"I told you," I said,
"I don't sleep anymore. And if I do, I don't dream." Dr.Neil comes over every Thursday and Sunday now--to talk about my "issues." The thing is, I don't think therapy helps anyone in the long run. Everyone has someone who can and will understand them when they need to be understood--and you don't pay them to listen to you. They say talking to a stranger about your problems feels better but I don't think so.
It makes you feel lonely.
I don't want anyone to analyze my problems, or tell me I'm selfish or wrong--
I just want someone to listen sometimes.

He nodded slowly, and scribbled something down on a piece of paper. "When you were dreaming, what was it like? Describe one to me." Dr. Neil glanced up at me, pushing his glasses farther up on his nose. I closed my eyes and brought my knees to my chest, "Lots of trees, so tall you can't see the sky--there's no sun, sometimes. I feel lost and i'm freezing. The quiet is so deafening, I feel lonely. Very lonely." I rested my forehead on my knee.
"And then the Breeze Voice came, and slowly, he took form...and he'd became Dylan." I wrapped my arms around myself, attempting to will myself to return to that part of my subconscious. I listened to the sound of the pen scratching against the paper for a good minute. "Has anyone else, besides Dylan, been in this forest?" Dr. Neil asked expressively, raising his eyebrows.
"My mom, Olivia, Crystal, you...Dad." I turned my gaze towards the window, watching the kids dressed in costumes run around with plastic pumpkins. It was already Halloween, its been exactly 3 months, 1 day, and 20 hours since Dylan left. Dr. Neil stared at me apprehensively, as if he didn't know what to say.

Was I the one Head Case he couldn't crack? I wondered. I feel alone.
I looked down at my pale hands and caught sight of the yellow rubber bracelet Daniel had given me. I wasn't completely alone, I remembered.
"When did you stop dreaming?" He folded the slip of paper into a blue folder, and shuffled uncomfortably.
I sunk further into the couch,
"When Dylan and I started dating."
"Interesting..." Dr. Neil went back to scribbling, his eyes darting across the page. Suddenly, he clipped his binder close and shoveed it back into the leather bag at his feet. He took off his glasses, ran a hand through his hair, and looked at me.
"What are you doing?" I asked glumly, my session didn't end for another 15 minutes.
"Uh," He rubbed his forehead,
"I want to address this as your friend, not as a therapist, Bridget. I know you've struggled with the idea of therapy in the past, and I want you to realize I really do care for you, and your mother..."
As a friend? I tried not to look skeptical.
"Your Dad. You aren't feeling any guilt or carrying any baggage because of him? Does he having something to do with the way your feeling?" Dr. Neil asked softly, watching my reactions like an owl.
"Of course i'm carrying baggage--" I expressed earnestly, having had this conversation a thousand times before, "Its my dad."
"I understand." Dr. Neil nodded sympathetically, probably making a mental note to write this down later. Lie.
You don't understand, you've never lost someone you loved.
"And Dylan, what do you feel now that he's...gone?" He drew his eyebrows together worriedly. I knew he was genuinely upset about what was going on with me, I could tell. But was it harsh of me not to care? I took a moment to think, how do I feel? I continued to stare at the kids running up to our porch, as if the answer was in one of those jack o'lanterns or in snickers and kit-kat bars.
"Nothing," I finally said, watching a witch trip over her cape on her way up my driveway.
"I used to be so sad. But now, I don't think I feel anything." Dr. Neil wet his lips,
"Do you still love him," His voice cracked.
"Knowing he left?" I squeezed my eyes shut,

"Dylan," I reached out for his hand, and he laced our fingers together.
"Hmm?" He stopped walking. Dylan turned to me, and tilted his head curiously. He stroked a lock of my hair behind my ear,
"What's wrong?" I turned away, half embarrassed.
"What is forever?" Dylan narrowed his eyes at me, confused.
"Define it." I explained, tripping over my words. I never understood why I had such urgency to ask him that question.
"Well," He scratched his head, puzzled, "Its hard for me to explain it... Think of walking to all of the places in the Universe and still having time to walk more. Its the number after infinity--its forever, Bridget."
"You promised you'd stay with me forever," I squeezed his fingers as he neared me. I wasn't able to understand the concept of forever, would it apply to mortal life span? Or forever as in, the forever of the entire universe?
"Yes." Dylan said knowingly, inches from my face.
"Is it hard for you to understand what I mean?" He chuckled, cupping my face in his hands, and leaning closer. I closed my eyes and sighed softly--half expecting him to kiss me. The smell of aftershave and cologne floated through the air. When Dylan hadn't kissed me, I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me.
"How do I know when forever is over?" I questioned, his green eyes flickering with my reflection. Dylan's eyes softened, moving close enough so that his lips brushed mine. The same tingling feeling vibrated through my skin and turned my thoughts into static, as he kissed me. His hand cupped the back of my head, as the kiss deepened, never failing to steal my breath away.
"When the sky falls down and there is no air left to breathe--that's when forever's over. When that happens, i'll leave with you. And love you in the next world. Okay?" Dylan brushed his thumb across my cheek, and kissed my nose.
"Promise?" I tugged on his t-shirt so he'd pull me into his arms.
Dylan kissed the top of my head and hugged me,
"I promise."

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