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'' Hi guys '' i state bypassing them and going straight to the cupboards - unsucessfully i might add, i was stopped by a rather smug looking alek , '' you don't have to be embarassed little girl , it's not like we haven't seen it all before (yeah when we were like 12 ! ) not that we didn't enjoy the view '' he whispered now only inches from my face and for some reason his words made me feel dare i say - desired. I let out a small whimper that i was almost possitive no one heard until alek growled ? low in his throat and leaned in sniffed my neck and sprinted from the kitchen with ryan not far behind him but not before turning and giving me one last lingering look.

It was now just me and mason in the kitchen staring at each other him standing by the door an me almost directly infront of him . There was so much i wanted to ask him because i knew if there was anyone i could get a solid response from it would be mason.  Yet i said nothing , and he said nothing to break the silence just reached over as if to touch my face but thought better of it and swiftly made his exit.

Determined to carry on with my day i went to the cupboard and took out the cleaning supplies and started cleaning the pancakes but my mind couldn't help but go over my reaction to the boys this morning like i felt sexually attracted to them , i mean i had never looked at the boys sexually but me being naked in front of them made me feel as if i wanted no needed them to approve of me and when they sprinted from the kitchen it made me feel like i had disappointed them and for some un erving reason it mad me not only frustrated but also angry at myself for possibly upsetting them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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