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''MINE,MINE,MINE,'' my  wolf growled , i had to remind my wolf that she's not ready for us yet , because if i didn't all hell would break loose , patience , patience i remind myself for what seemed like the hundreth time , though she did look good enough to eat . '' I bet she taste even better '' growled out my sex - crazed wolf , i bet she does i silently agreed . Tuning out of my thoughts i saw that our little mate had blushed a bright red and i almost groaned aloud knowing this was going to be the longest day ever.


I blushed furiosly before mumbling a quiet apology and excaping to my room . God mia , why do you always get yourself in the most akward positions ever i mentally scolded myself great now they saw my overly large breast and possibly my pudgy ass , good god why could'nt i have put on a robe i siently mused while going into my closet and pulling out a bulky sweater and sweats heading straight out the door , i walked in the kitchen to find the boys still trying to salvage the pancakes ''hey guys''..........

************************* Ok ok i know you hate me and i promise longer chapters after this but since i update everyday i felt the need to get the drama brewing and whats best than a mystery and if anyone have any ideas on what the boys should say and/or do please tell me i take everything you guys say into consideration and i now have 361 reads so im super happy and guys don't forget feedback means alot to me ************************************

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