Chapter 4 Harry's POV

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Easy to say they did not take it well. Of course it just had to result in tears, sometimes I really hate my job. Sure it can have perks, but sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it anymore. I've changed... we all have. Those five boys from The X Factor grew up. When you grow up there are many different rules that you have to live by, the way you talk, act, the people you surround yourself with, the music you listen to, how you dress, it all affects people's impression of you, sometimes for the good but sometimes for the worse. I had to learn this early on and that is why I do it. I make sacrifices. I went to Ghana, I attend events, I went out and personally delivered food to the less fortunate, and now I am going to make yet another sacrifice by leaving my family. But the thing is without sacrifice what would we have? If you don't go out, make some money, invest in your future, raise your family well, then what would you have? Exactly in life you have to take some risks, make some very hard decisions, and pray it will all work out, because life is hard but if you get up and make those choices then you just might have a shot at pleasing everyone. So that's where I am, packing my bags after just barely removing them. As I reached up in the closet to retrieve my dark sneakers I looked over on the small little dresser and discovered two very special things. My eyes wondered over scanning the objects. My little paper airplane necklace and the only picture I have and probably ever will. When I was five he gave it to me before completely leaving his own flesh and blood. I still remember all of the details and I probably always will. I hate him. He didn't even say sorry, he just walked away with no explanation whatsoever. I still cannot understand why but he did. He didn't ever do one thing for us except for make us cry. Just look at Gemma she is so afraid to love anymore, scared that someone will walk into her life and leave, just like all of the others. Just like me. For some reason I just can't let it go. I hate him so much but I won't forget what we used to have, what we never will repair. He didn't even call to congratulate his son who got fourth on The X Factor, who got a contract with Simon Cowel, who sold millions of albums, who has tours with his four best friends! Well you know what I don't care anymore, he lied, he cheated, and he's gone.

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