Monday June 1st - 6:39pm

308 9 16

(read author's note first)

unknown number: hey so I'm glad you gave me your number because I really need to talk atm

louis: hey mate, sorry but i think you got the wrong number. what's up though? I'm here if you want to talk.

unknown number: oops

louis: hi

unknown number: well uhm I apologize, I didn't mean to bother you

unknown number: forget about this

louis: nonono it's totally fine, i just wanna make sure you're alright ok?

louis: I know we don't know eachother at all but I feel like we should keep talking, idk I'm just weird

unknown number: I'm alright, I guess, thank you..

unknown number: really sorry for bothering

louis: tell me what's wrong

unknown number: oh it's nothing, really..

louis: no it's not, if you're asking for help. tell me about you? are you a boy or a girl? what's your name?

louis: omg i swear i'm not a pedo

unknown number: why don't you go first then?

louis: well my name is louis, i'm 17. i'm a guy. hbu?

unknown number: well all i feel like telling you rn is that i'm a guy too, alright?

unknown numer: sorry.. I didn't mean to come off rude, please don't go, I'm actually enjoying talking to you

unknown number: you could be dangerous so i prefer keeping my ditances

*25 minutes later*

louis: i'm so sorry i was eating dinner, why so? And I totally understand and respect that

louis: i'm sorry if i'm a little bit clingy...

unknown number: well you're making me feel less alone in some way

louis: aw i'm glad, let's keep on talking then!! So you got a girlfriend?;))

unknown number: uhm, not really.. it's just that i'm gay ;/ i'm single too

unknown number: i'm so sorry, please don't hate me. You have the right to delete my number, just tell me if you do, ok?

louis: omg what are you talking about?? I don't mind if you're gay lol, you're nice and that's what counts

louis: so what was the issue you wanted to talk about with whoever that person was?

unknown number: oh it's just straight guys usually mind gays..

unknown number: listen lou, I must go now, I'll talk to you later xx

unknown number: louis*

louis: oh np mate! goodnight x



When a stranger smiles at me
I feel beautiful


Sorry, wrong number | LarryWhere stories live. Discover now