Becoming Tobi's 'Sister'

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You are rushing to Tobi's meet and greet to get to your best friend who's waiting in line at insomnia, then out of no where you run into an average height man, making you fall. You hit your head on the tile floor leaving a minor cut. The boy, who you realise is Tobi, holds out his hand indicating you to take it to be lifted to your feet. He gives you a worrying smile as you accept his offer of his hand.

Afterwards, he asks if you're okay and your name multiple times until you reply saying "yes and my name is (y/n)" and a reassuring smile to stop him from worrying. So many thoughts went through your mind; "Tobi is speaking to you..omg..omg.. why did I take so long to answer?!" He offers to take you to get your cut cleaned up but you kept refusing numerous of times saying it's okay, I'm fine.. its only a small cut. He doesn't listen to you until you give in and he takes you to his meet and greet where there's a first aid kit.

On the way to the meet and greet, many fans stare at you giving mixed emotions. Your best friend, (Random Name), gave you a big smile, but majority of the fan girls gave you dirty looks, some even making sly comments. Tobi saw this and told you not to listen to them.

After Tobi had cleaned up your cut, he wanted you to stay with him through out the meet and greet to keep and eye on you. You replied with a smile and a nod, making him smile too.

During the meet and greet, a fan asked tobi who you were and he walked up to you putting his arm around your shaking shoulders and said, "This is my little sister (y/n)!" To you, he felt like the older brother you never had.

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