Ethan #1 (Natalie&Ethan)

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Requested by sidexmen

Natalie's POV

Oh great, it's my birthday and I have to go into college. Why is life so cruel? I stretch my arms before picking up my phone off the bedside table. The brightness of the light makes me scrunch up my eyes until they finally adjust to it. I go on twitter and tweet out,


It's my birthday!! But I have college... :( "

I put my twitter notifs on silent and will check their comments on it later. For some reason I haven't got any messages or tweets from the sidemen. I haven't in weeks to be honest, especially from Ethan (my boyfriend). He usually would send me cute morning texts and call me. I miss them; now he doesn't. It's like we're becoming more and more distanced as the days go on. Are we over and he's too scared to tell me? I know they're all busy and so am I but I always send them texts and they see them but never reply. Did I do something wrong? Do they hate me?

Oh stop worrying Natalie and get your butt up for college. I force myself out of my warm and comfortable bed and make my way to my bathroom while tripping over my school work. I must've been up all night planning my speech for today about the job I would like then. I yawn and turn on my shower.

While I'm getting dried, I hear my phone go off. Is it from Ethan or one of the others? I rush over excitedly and take a look at my phone. Great. It isn't from them, it's from Lily though, a close friend from college. I sigh before unlocking my phone to see what she wanted.


I laugh at her text before sending her one back.

Natalie - Thanks fgt xxx

Lils - you're welcome ^_^ btw we have to be at college earlier as there's some guests coming in to talk to us about their jobs xc xxx

Natalie - wow -_- I better hurry up... see you then xxx

Lils - see ya bday gurl :p xxx

Today just gets better and better. I throw my phone on my bed and pick out clothes to wear today. I decided to wear one of my exclusive sidemen tees as I haven't worn one in ages, {The ones that aren't being sold yet :D} my knee ripped white jeans and my Adidas originals. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and grab my bag and my phone and head off downstairs. Luckily my mum left me a slice of toast to eat on the way.

*skipped to college*

I slowly walk up the stairs to my class after a few people said 'Happy birthday' to me. I approach the door of my class and enter in. Like always I'm one of the first few to arrive. I was greeted by Lily squeezing me to death. "L-lily I-I can't breathe!" She chuckles and let's go. "Sorry Nat." I follow her to our seats that we normally sit at, near the back. "I got yous a present!" She chirped while getting my present out of her bag. "It's a little big and kinda heavy but here, happy birthday!" She gave me a big grin as I took the present from her. "Thanks Lils." I start to tear off the wrapping paper which I must say was neatly wrapped. I was revealed with a box but not any old box, a box that had quad roller skates. My other ones were getting old and I really did need new ones to get back into doing my much loved hobby. "Thank you so much Lily. These must've cost so much as well!" She beamed while jumping up and down. "Love yous!" I gave her a hug. "I love you too b-but you're killing me. I'm the one w-who can't breathe now." I let go of her and she let out a big sigh.

I put the skates back in the box and placed it on the space next to me with my bag. Now the rest of our lazy class started to appear and sat down before our teacher started to speak. Lils nudged me before beginning to whisper, "have you heard from Behz and the others? You said it's been weeks." I looked at her and gave her a small sad smile {dat alliteration tho XD} "No, not yet. I don't know if I've done something wrong or if they're just avoiding me on purpose but it hurts not speaking to them.. specially Ethan." I looked back at the teacher and sighed. I really think me and Ethan are over. I felt tears emerging but I fought them off. Lily rubbed my back and gave me sad smile back. "Heyy cheer up its your birthday. I'm sure they're just super busy with videos to get done before their trip to Germany." I don't want to be upset on my birthday but I couldn't help it. "I guess but even when they're really busy they would normally send me a quick text in the group chat and that was always when they had a very short time to get videos done."

Before Lily could reply our teacher spoke up, "Natalie would you like to start us off before our guests arrive?" Even though he asked me, I couldn't say no as he'll just force me to do my speech anyway. I sigh a little before picking up my book that had my things to help me with my speech and began to walk down the steps to the front of the class.

"My job th-."

"Thank you Natalie but I think our guests have arrived. We don't want them waiting so head on outside." The whole class started walk outside. I place my book on the front row and sigh. Lily comes over and gives me a side hug.

"He didn't even give me time to say 3 words let alone what job I was looking for."

"don't worry about it, he's a prick anyway." She gives me smile.

"I don't want to go see these 'guests', I just want to go home and cry on my birthday as this has been the worst one ever." A tear trickles down my cheek.

"Nat don't cry! C'mon let's get this over and done with, they might not be that bad. Plus after we'll go shopping or something." She giggles a bit before leading me outside.

*Skipped to outside*

We finally catch up to our class that was supposedly crowding the guests. "Happy birthday babe's!" I hear something shout from behind me before their arms is wrapped around my waist. I hear them giggle in my ear. I could name the person with that laugh from a mile away, it's Ethans! I turn around to be faced Ethan with a massive grin on his face. It seems like forever since I saw him. "I've missed you zingu." I pull him into an embrace and cry on his shoulder.

"I missed you too Nattie!" I feel his grip on my back get stronger making me feel at home in his embrace that I have missed. We pull away and he wipes away my tears with his thumb before giving me a little kiss. "We have a small surprise for you." He gives me his all famous laugh before grabbing my hand and leading me to the others. What could it be? Today has been full of surprises.

We reach the others and see the rest of the sidemen talking to my class before they see me and say 'happy birthday' and 'sorry'. I accept their apologies and give each of them a hug.

"Now I know you want to know why we were blanking you for so long, it was hard for us especially Ethan. But we were busy planning a little something for you." I give Ethan a small glance who puts his arm around my shoulder. I then nod my head and Josh continues, "the 'little something' is that we got you a big job opportunity in film making as we know that it's your dream job. We give all the credit to Ethan, it was all his idea." I was speechless. The tears started again before I gave Ethan a massive hug.

"I love you zingu!" I mumbled into his neck.

"I love you too Nattie."

A/n Hope you liked this imagine and as I said before, if you want an imagine comment or message me and I'll be sure to get it done for you! As always, feedback is always welcome and helpful!



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