Chapter one

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It was a hot day in mid-August, and as I walked across the old field behind my house I noticed a movement under a thicker patch of grass.

Pulling my thick red hair out of my eyes, I attempted to get a better view of what it was. Stumbling over, I imagined a small rabbit, or a fox or something.

I tapped the grass with my trainer, and felt something move, as if disturbed, away from my foot.

I tapped it again, and was flung backwards by a strong push, sending me spiralling in a mess of limbs and fiery hair.

I landed heavily on my back, aching and panting.

The girl hunched over, glaring, as I scrambled to my feet.

She was hauntingly beautiful, with dark, flawless skin and wide forrest green eyes that reflected my own brown ones. Hair the colour of bark tumbled down her back and into her face in unruly ringlets.

I was mesmerised.

Her head cocked to the side in a bird-like motion, causing me to take a cautious step backwards. I raised my hands in a show of harmlessness.

"Hey, calm down," I said, frowning.

Why was she so jumpy?

She pursed her soft-looking dark lips in a pout. "You woke me," she whispered, sounding dejected.

I laughed at her surprise and upset at being woken. "Yeah, sorry about that," I apologised, shrugging slightly.

She stood up taller, as if offended by my laughter. "Do I amuse you-" she frowned, looking at me.

"Adam," I said, extending my hand for her to shake.

"Adam." She repeated softly, but did not take my hand.

I shoved it into my pocket, feeling awkward. "So, what were you doing in the field anyways? You lost or something?"

I noted her ripped green dress and bare, muddy feet.

"I was sleeping. But now I am awake," she replied snidely.

I nodded, embarrassed.

She stalked over to me, my 6'1 body towering over her petite frame.

"Why did you wake me, Adam?"

I shrugged again, speechless.

She mimicked my action, smirking slightly.

"I'm awake." The words, said so quietly I could barely hear them over the sound of the slight wind and my own laboured breathing brought a wide grin to her face.

"I'm awake!" She exclaimed, looking around at the worn grass field surrounded by trees.

I nodded quickly, "Yeah, I guess you are?" Confused at her reaction to not sleeping, I backed away.

"Adam! Don't go yet!" She giggled, pulling my hand. She looked giddy, almost mad.

I quickly yanked it back. "Calm down, okay?" I warned, grasping her small shoulders.

She resisted against my hands, then sobered up, mouth agape, eyes wide and glassy. "Adam, why am I awake?"

That's it, this girl was mad. One second she's higher than the energiser bunny on crack, next she's looking like some Disney princess reject.

I released her from my hold, and she sank down onto the grass, sobbing.

That was more than I could take, so I ran.


I slammed the back door shut, my neck damp with sweat from my running.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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