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"Why should I care what others think? What others think is none of my business." - Silas Blue

The lunchroom was crowded, packed to the brim, full of jostling hormonal teenagers - those of which included Charlie and his friends sitting in the back, having a conversation that was beginning to escalate in volume, and in attracting outside attention. Star was talking ninety miles an hour while grinning, "she's amazing, we're coming up on our one year anniversary. It's the longest I've ever dated anyone - and I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon."

He finishes quickly, not even stopping to take a breath before scooping up another forkful of spaghetti off of his tray and into his mouth. He was telling all of the guys how great his girlfriend was; a popular girl named Emily, who Charlie was pleasantly surprised to find out that she was a genuinely nice person.

Theo rolled his green eyes in such an exaggerated motion it looked like it hurt, and slapped an arm down on the table, huffing in disbelief. "Pfft, if you think . . . that . . . that umm . . . is impressive? You should sheck out the girl Care Bubble's love in with." He slurred, and instantly Charlie was alerted to the sight of his best friend who was mixing up and bumbling his words, not to mention his voice was curiously lilting everytime he said a word with more than two syllables.

But now that Charlie took a closer look, Theo was all bent out of sorts, his Adidas tee-shirt was on inside out, his hair unbrushed, sticking up at all sorts of odd angles and even his fingers were tapping at a irregular rate. He could only guess the reason for Theo's disheveled appearance was that he had exceeded his normal alcohol rate, or had drank something stronger than a simple Bud Light. All of his friends instantly turned their gazes upon Theo, awaiting what he had to say, and oblivious to his condition, they all thought he was being his usual funny self.

"He's love in with Mariah Grey," He laughs, hiccuping loudly in the middle of his sentence, Charlie's mouth drops open in surprise at the sudden revealing statement, he trusted Theo not to tell anyone, and now it was being shouted out for everyone in fourth period lunch to hear. Xander turns to Charlie and claps him on the back, causing his body to jolt forward and slam into the lunch table. "The hot blonde one?" He asks, smirking.

Charlie shoots daggers at Xander with his eyes before affirming his question through gritted teeth while massaging his bruised abdomen. "Yes, the hot blonde one." He affirms, a bit disgusted that the only two words Zander can use to describe her are hot, and blonde.

A wolfish grin appears on Riley Becham's face, clearly realizing now who they're talking about.

"Ask her out," he says, polishing off the rest of his sandwich. Charlie shakes his head, before looking up at the white plastered ceiling, "I don't think so."

Riley gives him a dubious eyebrow raise, "why not?"

Charlie stares at hard Riley for a moment, trying to make him understand, "because, she's in my next class."

Star gives a huge laugh, and Charlie has a sinking feeling that whatever Star's going to say next - it isn't going to be good. "That's great, I'm in your next class too."


"As you can see, there was more to C.S. Lewis' works that met the eye," Mr. Meyer speculated, pointing with his index finger to a blown up picture of The Chronicle's of Narnia series. Right now they were discussing Lewis' religious beliefs, and the correspondence between his books, which was actually an interesting topic. It was just for other reasons that Charlie was having trouble paying attention. He squirmed in his seat, keeping his gaze fixated up on the SmartBoard, while thinking happy thoughts in a half-hearted attempt to keep himself at bay.

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