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\\ Haruka's POV //

"Man, after playing Hakuouki and watching the anime, everytime the Shinsengumi is mentioned in History class, I can only think of a group of hot guys fighting against oni and rasetsu."

I scoffed lightly, "That's why you should focus more in class, Megumi. This is pretty helpful advice considering the lack of improvement that's showing on your grades."

"Haruka-chan, don't be so stiff, will you?" Megumi, sad to admit, is my best friend and partner-in-crime, "I know you think of Hakuouki too."

Grimacing, I looked away, "No, I don't."

"By the way," Megumi glanced at me mischievously, "you haven't told me whose route you took in the Hakuouki game."

My cheeks blossomed into a bright, red shade, "W-what makes you think I'll reveal that to you?"

"You remind me a bit of Saito." She threw her head back laughing as I scowled at her.

"Just shut up and keep on walking home before I kill you, okay?"

"On the other hand, maybe you got your violent threats from Okita."

As we continued to walk home from our school, the bickering only continued until we had to separate into different roads.

"See you then," Megumi waved, the cheerful smile still glued on her face.
I waved back, "Bye."

Shaking my head, I chuckled to myself while I stepped towards my house and placed my hand on the doorknob, "Sometimes I wonder what part of me agreed to being friends with her."

With the thought still in my head, I opened the door, "I'm ho-"

Instead of the familiar wooden floors that usually welcomed me home, I fell straight into a white landscape.

"Ugh," I muttered once I hit face first into an invisible floor, still trapped in the unknown white landscape, "Am I in some kind of weird dream?"

"No you're not," A smooth, female voice echoed and I immediately tensed.

Suddenly, the woman who spoke earlier hurled herself onto me and her arms wrapped around my neck in a suffocating hug.

"Chizuru-chan! It's been far too lo- What in the world happened to your face?!" She abruptly stopped in the midst of her reunion speech and stepped back to examine my face.

I traced the scar that ran vertically on my left eye, "Oh this. It was um, an accident. I was cooking when a knife in a cupboard above me fell because my brother was jumping on the counter and it hit my eye on its way down."

She gasped and lifted up some of my bangs to get a better look, but I gently pushed her hand away, "Anyway, who are you and where am I?"

After those words left my mouth, her expression turned glum, "That's right, I almost forgot. You don't have your memories."

"Memories? Memories of what?"

Crossing her arms, she explained, "I'd rather if we keep it short since it's quite a long story. My name is Senhime. You are the reincarnation of my best friend, Yukimura Chizuru, who was a pureblood oni and lived with the Shinsengumi in the past. Most of the members of the Shinsengumi died and eventually it all became history. Sound familiar, yes?"

"Y-you're kidding me right? Is this a joke?"

"It's as much of a joke as Okita's tuberculosis is," Sighing, she put her hand on her forehead as if she expected my reaction.

"So," I paused, thinking back to the Hakuouki game and anime, "all the things about the rasetsu and oni were true?"

"Of course, however, we had decided to keep that out of history to prevent unnecessary problems."

"If this is all real then... what do you need me for?"

"I'm sure you know of how the Shinsengumi turned out to become, right? I brought you here so that you can go back to the past and keep the captains alive," She watched with amusement as my eyes widened.

Feeling overwhelmed, I staggered back, "Y-you expect me to do that?"

Unfazed, she shrugged, "From what I know, it would lead to a better future, and with your knowledge of the Shinsengumi, you would be the best candidate. I also noted that you were considered skilled in the kendo club at your school, so you'd be stronger than the previous Chizuru."

I started to feel dizzy, "I can't believe this."

"Well you should because we aren't going to be wasting our time chatting here for much longer. Good luck and remember what you know!" Without my approval, she thrust Chizuru's kodachi into my hand and waved me goodbye.

"Wait a mi-"

And yet again, I felt myself faceplanting into the ground in another unknown place.


a/n: I'm such a horrible person. I've made anoTHER fanfic when I haven't updated my other ones in so long. Truly, I'm sorry for not updating them and it'll take a while since I have to catch up and remember what I wanted to continue etc. I hope you enjoy this Hakuouki fanfiction while I try to update my other ones :) <3

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