I Start rubbing his dick and a thought shoots through my head I'm Having Sex With Shawn Mendes, I keep rubbing his uncircumcised dick. We both were uncut. I pulled back his foreskin, revealing the full pink tip and the ring gap between his tip and the skin I pulled back.
Shawn starts to groan and I know that's him trying to let me know that he's ready for his penis to get wet with more than one substance. I open my mouth wide and Shawn grabs my head with his hands and pushes me up and down on his dick, I go down on his dick and it goes down the back of my throat and I start to gag but he just throws his head back in enjoyment. I pull my head up after I taste a salty taste in my tongue, he had just released quite a bit of precum in my mouth. I speed up my pace and within a matter of minutes I taste a warm, salty liquid on my tongue, I spit it all over his chest I rub it in and he reaches over to the bedside table and pulls out a condom wrapper. I ask him "Do you have an disease to do with your dick?"
"No, I'm pretty sure I don't" Shawn replies.
"Then put that thing away, go hard on my ass and don't be afraid of cumming more than once up into my bubble butt" I say in a very determined tone of voice.I flip over onto all fours and he lines his middle finger with my asshole and he asks "you ready?" I reply "Fuck Yeah, Go on!".
He pushes his finger inside of me and he puts in another and then another, now there's three fingers inside of my ass and I start to flinch and he pulls out his fingers and hardens up his dick again by slapping it against his hand. He slaps his dick on my ass, a way of asking if I'm ready and I start to let him know by moving my ass closer to him and he lines his dick up with my hole and pushes it in and I scream with both pain and joy.+ + +
Shawn let's his warm cum into my ass and we both are exhausted so we just lay under the covers naked for about half an hour before getting up and I asked "Is it okay if I take a shower to wash all the cum off me?" "Yeah Sure" he replies "I was gonna take one too, so do you wanna shower together?" "I Don't See why not" I say and we walk to the bathroom holding hands and we both stand up against the shower wall to avoid the freezing cold water that splashes out of the shower head, before we set it to a temperature we both found perfect.