Chapter 5: The Walk And the Annoyance

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**"Save Your Serpent" by Ego Likeness**

We kept walking through the corridors arm on arm, I couldn't help and notice that he had no uniform. "Are you not a student?". I point out to his clothes, he looks down and checks himself out, "Not anymore, I went here 2 years ago, now I'm just assisting Dumbledore". I smirk at him, "So your just a go for?", he chuckles, "Yes I suppose you can put it that way, I ask you a question, since it seems we are in a question and answer mode". I tilt my head with a smile, "Ok, shoot, chiedimi qualunque cosa", (means ask me anything), he chuckles again and tilts his head clueless, "what was that?", I chuckle replying, "I'ts Italian for ask me anything, I speak three languages Italian, Spanish, and English". He bites his lower lip looking down, then looks over to me, I couldn't help but notice that he was slightly shy around me, as well as everytime that he smiled he made me melt. I must admit that nobody has made me feel shy like he does, or even blush for the matter, ofcourse no matter what, I will never lose composure. George finally asked me his question as he looked deeply into my eyes, "Your eyes are so different, they are so blue as well as some silver I see , were you born with that kind of colored eyes?", I couldn't help but look deep into his eyes as well, he is so beautiful in every way. A smile began to appear on my face as I suddenly broke the stare and asked, "Is that really YOUR question for me?", he closed his eyes tightly and then opened them laughing, "Wow, you are really on a roll here with the come backs, are you you usually like this?". I look far away as if I was thinking deeply and then reply, "No", I give him a big grin and he says, "That means yes doesn't it?", I shake my head and sigh deeply looking down, "No George, I mean this is really not how my eyes have always been, I used to have green eyes, a very long time ago, and also this is not how I am always", after replying this my mind slowly went back in time to when I first turned this way, and my face slowly began to look melancholy, I slowly looked up at George and gave him a slight smile before saying, "My dear George, I best get going back to the dormatories, it's quite late and I am quite tired", he looked into my eyes replying, "Are you alright Mina?, you seem sad, like something quite sad came into your mind just right now, is it something I said? if so, I am quite sorry." Shaking my head and keeping my smile I reply, "No, no, you said nothing George, I am just very tired, I should go to sleep", with that I turned back and began walking back to the dormatories, George quickly ran behind me and began walking beside me, walking me to the front of the Slytherin common room, turning to George I gave him a smile and said,"Thankyou for walking me back George, goodnight and sweet dreams. With that I turned towards the door said the password and went in, I ran up the girls dormatories got ready for bed and lay on the bed thinking about George. vampires are known to be creatures of the night and I am no exception, I never sleep at night, but the difference about me and those fairytales is that I can be on the sunlight with absolutely no problem, I don't turn to dust, I don't sparkle like those new movies nowadays. I am actually quite fond of the daylight, I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

After a while of sleep faking I heard a thump down by the stairs of the girls dormatories. Slowly I got out of bed and made my way to the door peeking out towards the stairs, I saw noone, so I slowly leaned towards the stairs wall and gracefully walked down, my eyes became slightly more bright as they scanned the perimeter. I made my way to the bottom of the stairs walking into the common room where I kept scanning carefully the perimeter. With a yank of my arm I was pulled back and I saw myself face to face with Draco Malfoy. His face was inches away from mine, I yanked my arm away from his grip and looked at him with a frown. "Where were you? Where in the bloody hell did you walked off to?", Draco replied as he crossed his arms infront of his chest and looked at me with anger in his eyes. I dropped my hip and placed my hand on my waist looking down on him, "Who are you? My brother? What's in it for you to know where I am?" , I scoffed saying,"As a matter of fact, I am tired, I am going to sleep", just as I began to walk away Draco pulls me back again and wraps his arms around me, making me helpless. "Don't ever try walking away from me again" Draco barks at me under his breath, I turn my face slowly to face him, I looked into his grey eyes, they sparkled so beautifully as the fire danced on them from the fireplace. Slowly without realizing I began to go deep into his mind as I began reading it, it's just as I suspected he liked me, but was terrified of George winning my heart, well, if I had one though. I slowly snapped out of the trance as Draco spoke to me, "Mina? Why are you looking at me like that, are you ok? Hey, stop acting dumb and answer me, where were you earlier?", still looking into his eyes I replied, "Umm I was, umm, taking a walk, that is all", he frowned as he looked deeply into my eyes, "You were with him weren't you? How could you?", I pushed him off me, "Why do you care so much where I am? So what if I were? You are acting as if I was your property, and I am telling you now, and I want you to get this straight into your puny brain, I-belong-to-noone!"

I have become tired of this stupid games, if there was one thing I hated is this situations. He grabbed me by the arms and looked into my eyes in anger, "You are forbidden to see him ever again, EVER, Slytherin's and Gryffindor's are sworn enemies". Without another word I yanked my arms away from him and gracefully walked towards the stairs that led to the girls dormatories, as I was on the fifth step suddenly behind me I heard a loud thump, I quickly looked over my shoulder and saw Draco on his back on the floor, he seemed hurt, and out of instinct I hurried down and kneeled next to him, looking down carefully at him. "Are you alright?" , my hair slowly turned platinum with concern, as my eyes slightly glowed. Draco slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, he ran his fingers through my hair, "Your hair, it changed color", I grabbed some of my hair and looked at it, "yeah, it tends to change color sometimes, but are you alright? How did you manage to fall?". Draco looked at the steps, "I was trying to go after you Mina, but I forgot Dumbledore put a spell on the steps so that no boys can go up the girls dorms and girls can't go in the boys dorms".

Carefully Draco sat up as he sat with one hand behind him flat on the floor so that he could lean on it and one leg curled up, he stared at me with a sideways smile, "You came to my rescue Mina, why?", I put some hair behind my ear as it slowly turned black again. Rolling my eyes I looked at Draco, "Don't read into it Draco, it was just instinct, I tend to feel concern when someone gets hurt. Oh goodness, guarda il braccio è il sanguinamento", (Look your arm is bleeding in Italian) my eyes became wide as I looked at his arm which was bleeding slightly, he looked down at his arm and chuckled, "oh it's nothing, I am ok Mina, really". I began to feel a sudden extreme urge to suck every ounce of blood in his body, I gulped hard and quickly stood up, "I have to go Draco, I am sorry but it's really late, goodnight", I ran up the the stairs of the girls dorm and disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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Forbidden Love (a student vampire, Snape, Draco, George W., Harry Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now