Chapter 4: Meeting Him In Person

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**"Glory Box" by Portishead**

As I gazed down to my hands for quite a bit, I slowly looked up infront of me onto the wall on the far end. With my peripherals I could tell that the young red haired man was still staring straight at me, and suddenly I felt flushed, or atleast I think that's what it was, a sudden rush of heat that goes all through your body and up to your face. In my head I kept debating if I should look again or not, but uncontrollably my eyes turned towards him again without movement of my head.

A sudden voice talked to me but I paid no attention to it, suddenly I slowly snapped out of trance and I could hear Draco's voice talking to me, "I would stay away from him, if you know what's good for ya'", I slowly turned to Draco and gave him a stinging stare. Draco looked at me with a frown, talking under my breath I replied angrily, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Draco", he squinted at me with a frown; with clenched teeth he replied as he leaned close to me, "Don't lie and act all innocent Mina, I see the way you look at George Weasley over there" he looked at George and gave him a deadly stare. I slowly turned towards George and stared at him, "So his name is George Weasley, eh? Lui è così carino", (means he is so cute in Italian) I replied softly to myself, then looked down; or atleast I thought I was talking softly to myself; but suddenly Malfoy banged the table making me jump, I quickly turned my head to him and with a swift movement he got up from his seat. He looked at me angrily then up at George where his gaze remained, he walked behind me and around as he passed slightly infront of George. I am pretty sure he was still giving him the deadly stare because George squinted at him with a frown. Then quickly Malfoy stormed out of the hall passing the Gryffindor table where he looked towards me with anger in his eyes. I looked back at him with anger, and I swiftly got up saying under clenched teeth, "Cazzo!" (Means fuck! In Italian) and stormed out gracefuly after Malfoy. I caught up to him right outside the great hall, luckily the doors were closed. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around towards me, angrily I remarked, "What is your problem?!", I said trying not to be too loud, and under clenched teeth I hissed at him,"You don't even know me and already you are making scenes", he looked at me angrily, and replied," Don't flatter yourself Mina, it's not even like that; but the fact that you are making googley eyes at a Weasley is sickening, he was a Gryffindor, Slytherins and Gryffindors do not mix, we are enemies", with that he quickly turned around and stormed off.

I crossed my arms infront of my chest and stayed there for a moment towards the direction that Malfoy went off. Suddenly I could hear Dumbledore speak; "For the new students this year!, You will be taken to your houses's common room by your house prefect!, have a good night!, and tomorrow the classes begin!". Suddenly the doors flew open and 4 big groups of students began making their ways through the corridors in different directions.

I couldn't help but stretch my neck to see if I could pick a glance at George, but I couldn't see him. With that I began walking gracefuly behind the Slytherin students glaring at the various paintings on the walls, which awesomely enough the people and animals in the paintings were enchanted to move around. We went through the shifting staircases and onto the dungeons where the Slytherin common room and dormatories were located. the prefect spoke the magic word and the door opened up revealing green, brown and black furniture in the common room. I scanned through the whole room, it was quite amazing and cozy. The prefect then spoked, "The girls dormatories are on your left!, and the boys on the right!, goodnight!". With that the prefect left us, everyone began spreading around to their dormatories or on the common room. I slowly walked to an empty sofa chair and gracefully sat down putting my pointer finger on the temple of my head and resting my head on it. I began thinking to myself quietly and humming under my breath ("Whicked Days" by Android Lust) when suddenly I hear the common room door open and Draco walks in looking down, suddenly looking up he notices me and stares at me, I follow him with my eyes only and watch him as he sits at a sofa at the far end of the common room still without taking off his eyesight from me. I break eye contact and slowly and gracefuly stand myself up walking flowingly towards the common room door letting myself out.

Walking through a great deal of corridors suddenly I hear a voice right next to me that said, "Hello there", expeditiously as I turn towards their direction I take out my wand from within my robes and point it straight at them landing right at their neck. With my keen eyesight I realize it was George with his hands up on the air and an utter look of fear upon his face.

Slowly I put down my wand and into my robes, "Merda! I could of killed you!", (means shit!) putting his hands down slowly he smirked at me replying, "I am quite sorry, I did not mean to frighten ya' ", I kept a straight face and said, "That is quite alright, but please, next time warn me, don't sneak up to me or you will get killed", I sighed deeply and gave him a slight smile. I sure was glad to not have said a word when I took out the wand, otherwise there would of been a dead George laying on the floor infront of me, even before I got to know him.

After all the commotion George placed one hand on his pant pocket and the other running it through his soft shiny red hair. He seemed as he wanted to ask me something, but wasn't sure if he should. Breaking the awkwardness I spoke, "Is there something you wanted to ask me?", I smiled trying to make him as comfortable around me as possible. I know I am sometimes hard to be around since I always have a look that makes me look like a bitch. Sighing deeply finally George had the courage to ask, "Would you be interested on going for a walk with me?", I gave out a slight chuckle, "Is that all?....I would love to George", he gave me a big smile and reached out his arm to me, I smiled and wrapped my arm around his as we stadily began to walk the corridors.

Forbidden Love (a student vampire, Snape, Draco, George W., Harry Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now