Fated Choices

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 Okay so I'm totally new to this site, and would love some feedback on some of my brain children >.< haha so please comment and tell me what you think of it ^_^

lol I'm totally serious... if you like it please comment, and if you don't still your input would be appreciated.. if you feel you have an idea on how I could do something better, I'm all ears ^_^


The chilled November breeze floated through the car windows. Cassandra sighed and glanced up at her father in the rear-view mirror from the back seat. “Dad, why can't you at least give me a clue as to where we are going?” she asked with a hint of agitation in her voice.

Laughing good naturally Daniel shook his head and replied to his irate daughter, “Sorry pumpkin, it's a surprise.” Daniel laughed harder when he caught the dark murderess look that his daughter was casting his way. Daniel shook his dark head at his daughter and smiled at her over his shoulder.

Sighing Cassandra looked back out the window. Her deep green eyes scanning the brown California landscape. Her mother and father had dragged her away from LA for a surprise trip into the desert on her eighteenth birthday. Looking at Cassandra you could definitely tell that she resembled her father more. They were both tall with tanned skin. Daniel had a mess of dark brown hair. His eyes were a lighter green then his daughters, but just as piercing. He had a carefree way about him, and an easy smile on his lips. Cassandra had long wavy raven black hair and deep green eyes. Brianna, Cassandra's mother, was sitting in the passenger seat turned so that she could see her daughter. Brianna had a very pale complexion with golden brown hair and big blue eyes. She was much shorter then both Daniel and Cassandra.

“Cassie, you're brother's on the phone for you.” Brianna said handing her daughter her cell phone.

“Hey Bro, what's up?” Cassandra asked her brother, who was currently living in New Orleans with his wife.

“Hey squirt, Nicole and I just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday. We're sorry we can't come up there and spend your birthday with you.” Robert said apologetically.

Cassandra sighed, she really did wish her brother and sister-in-law could have come up here and spent her birthday with her, but she understood that they were just both too busy. “It's okay Robbie. I understand. Well Mom is giving me that 'hurry up and don't run down my battery' look so I guess I'll talk to you after they take me back to civilization. Right now we're driving to some unknown destination apparently in the middle of the desert.” She said laughing at the look her mother gave her.

Robbie laughed, “Ah so they are taking you there huh?” He asked emphasizing the word there, knowing that his sister had no idea where their parents were taking her.

“Yes, only I'm not allowed to know where exactly 'there' is. It's a surprise.” Cassandra said her voice dripping with mock excitement. Shaking her head she laughed. “Well I better let you know. I'll talk to you later Robbie. I love you and miss you. Can't wait to see you and Nicole when we come down there for Christmas!”

After hanging up the phone she handed the phone back to her mother and smiled sheepishly at her.”Stop being so sour Cassie. You're gonna love your surprise.” Brianna said to her daughter as she turned around in her seat. Sighing as her phone rang again Brianna answered the phone as Cassandra turned her head towards the open window.

“Yes? Okay, I'll give him the phone.” Brianna said to whoever was on the phone before handing it to Daniel. “It's Alec.” she said quietly.

“Yes? Is everything all right?” Daniel asked. After a few moments of the person on the other end talking Daniel groaned. “Are you serious? Where was the last sighting at? Okay, well we are on our way there. Make sure you are ready for us when we get there.” Daniel hung up the phone and handed it back to his wife. Glancing around he shook his head and his features suddenly went from easy going and carefree to alert.

“Did they see her anywhere near?” Brianna asked in a worried voice.

“Yea, that's why Alec called. He wanted to make sure the necessary precautions were being taken.” Daniel said glancing down at his wife beside him. “I'm glad we're almost there.”

“Don't you think we should tell her? I mean she has a right to know if anything weird happens and things don't go as planned Daniel.” Brianna said in a soft voice so that Cassandra wouldn't hear them.

Shaking his head Daniel reached down and gently squeezed his wife's small hand. “Sweetheart, you know we can't. Alec has to be the one to tell her. We can't go against him on this one.”

Sighing Brianna looked out the window and nodded her head, “I know your right, but I just can't shake this bad feeling I have.”

At this point Cassandra was sort of paying attention to what little of her parent's hushed voices she could hear. Giving them a puzzled glance she took off her seat belt and scooted across the back seat of her dad's car. Just as she reached the other side she heard her mother scream. Looking up she saw a large black truck just a few feet away from them. Within seconds before there was anytime to react the only sounds that could be heard on the deserted desert highway was the sounds of metal on metal, and shattering glass. Screaming Cassandra felt herself being lifted from the seat and thrown through the window.

Cassandra felt herself hit the hot sand and roll away from the car that held her mother and father. She felt the hot stickiness of her blood soaking through shirt. She tried to push herself up but collapsed back onto the ground screaming in agony and cradling her arm to her chest. Tears flowed down her face at the agony her body was in. Just before she passed out from the pain she felt a pair of strong arms lifting her into the air. She was being cradled against a mans chest. “Don't worry Cassandra, you're safe now, go to sleep.” he whispered to her before the pain finally won out against her will to stay awake.

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