Chapter 6

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Okay, so I know this chapter is a little dry and lacking in sweet moments between Bret and Cassandra, buuuuuut I promise the next chapter will be better! ^_^ Hope you enjoy. Remember to vote, comment and or fan! Thanks guys! XOXO

Cassandra sat on the couch cross legged with her guitar in her hands. She was staring so intently at the sheet music in front of her that she didn't even hear when Nichole came in. Nichole leaned against the door frame with a small smile on her face. It was nice to see Cassandra acting more normal. She had seemed more like a zombie over the last two weeks then a human being. Of course, Nichole hadn't really expected much else. After watching her sister-in-law for a few moments she cleared her throat, causing Cassandra to look up startled from her sheet music.

“Hey Niki, I didn't hear you come in. How long have you been standing there?” Cassandra asked, moving some of the random balled up pieces of sheet music out of a seat on the couch so that Nichole could sit next to her.

“Not long, I just got home. How was your first day of school? Any cute guys?” Nichole asked with a teasing smile on her face.

Cassandra blushed as she immediately thought about Brent. “It was good, a lot to get used to. And there might be a cute guy or two.” Cassandra said, her blush deepening.

“Oh? And who might they be?” Nichole asked with a wide grin, pulling her legs up underneath her on the couch as she untucked her white dress shirt from her black slacks.

Pushing a strand of curly black hair behind her ear Cassandra smiled. “Well there's only really one guy that I've met so far. He's really sweet. Walked me to all of my classes today. And he has the coolest accent.” Cassandra said, beaming by the time she was done.

Nichole's smile faltered a bit at what Cassandra was telling her. 'Please don't let it be Brent she's talking about.' Nichole silently prayed. Robert would freak out if that was the guy. “So what's this mystery man's name?” Nichole asked in a teasing tone.

“Brent. He said he knew Robbie so I'm assuming you know him too?” Cassandra asked, unable to wipe the smile off of her face. She felt her smile falter when Nichole groaned and put her head in her hands. “What's wrong Niki?” Cassandra asked feeling worried. Thinking about today she realized how incredibly stupid it had been of her to invite him into her brother's home when she didn't really know him. Judging by Nichole's reaction she had a bad feeling that she wasn't going to like what she had to say.

Sighing Nichole looked up at Cassandra, she saw the worried look in her blueish green eyes and shook her head. “Cassandra be careful with him. You don't know him like we do. He could be... dangerous.” Nichole finished. She knew Brent wouldn't hurt Cassandra on purpose, but he was a vampire. They couldn't be trusted to contain their hunger.

Dangerous? Cassandra looked away from Nichole. She didn't feel in danger with Brent, and she didn't understand why she had the sudden urge to defend him to Nichole. Shaking her head Cassandra couldn't shake the feeling in the pit of her stomach that Brent wasn't a danger. She knew that she didn't know him, but she just had a feeling about him. “I'll be careful Nichole. I can't avoid him entirely though. He's my partner for my advanced music class. We have a huge project we're working on so I'll probably be seeing a lot of him.” Cassandra said with a shrug of her shoulders as she started collecting her sheet music into an organized pile.

Nichole nodded, she could see that Cassandra already cared about Brent. She sighed and shook her head. Robbie was going to be livid when he heard about this. She just hoped he didn't do anything to try and force his sister's hand into accepting their birthright. It was her choice to make. Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket she quickly pulled it out. Giving Cassandra an apologetic smile she went into the kitchen before answering. “What's up Alec?” She asked quietly.

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