Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

          Groaning Cassandra took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes. Rolling over she felt her breath catch in her throat when she saw the evil smile of the man who had attacked her. Pushing herself up into a sitting position she couldn’t quite get her legs to support her weight to stand up. Her head pounded painfully and fear coursed through her veins. “W-w-what do you want from me? Who are you?” She stammered as he continued to grin evilly at her.

          Looking down at the little witch Devon felt a little sorry for her, but that feeling was quickly gone. He knew how much of a threat she posed to his mistress. Ignoring her question he took a threatening step towards her as she finally managed to stand up. Smiling cruelly at her he felt a course of adrenaline rush through him. He could practically smell her fear and it was intoxicating. It had been too long since he had smelt this kind of fear, he found his gaze centering on her jugular vein. Couldn’t help but wonder what her blood would taste like. Stepping towards her again he heard her gasp as his eyes began to glow green. Before she could turn to run again he was on top of her, knocking her to the ground and pinning her beneath him. Her delicious scent hit him and in that instant he knew he would have to taste her blood. Wouldn’t his mistress be pleased if he killed her and ended the threat this little girl posed to her forever? It would be so easy to make it look like an animal attack.

          Without a word Devon locked his gaze with Cassandra’s. The terror he saw in her eyes only adding to his pleasure. Leaning down he sniffed her neck, running his nose along her jugular vein. Before he could think better of it he sunk his teeth into her neck, hearing her scream out in pain only intensified his blood lust as he drank from her neck.

          Cassandra tried to fight the man on top of her. She was in agony. This man bit her! And he was drinking her blood! Oh god, what was happening to her? As she felt herself growing weaker from blood loss she felt a stirring deep inside her. As she lay there hearing the slurping noise of him drinking her blood she thought about her brother, about how losing her would devastate him. Then her thoughts turned to Brent. She knew that they hadn’t known each other long, but she knew that he cared about her. Just as she was sure that she was dying she felt a sudden surge of energy. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was warm and comforting, empowering. For the first time since he had attacked her she felt in complete control of her body. Raising her hands up to his chest she pushed with everything she had. Her hands emitted a strange white light and sent Devon flying away from her. Feeling her strength drain from her Cassandra saw something fly towards Devon out of the corner of her eye. With wide eyes she quickly recognized Brent standing over Devon with a look of fury in his eyes that she had never seen before.

          Brent looked over at Cassandra after assuring himself that Devon was unconscious. Rushing to her side he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. She was close to death. He could see it. Feeling his heart clench in agony he gently lifted her into his arms, cradling her to his chest. Running to her house he rushed her upstairs to her room. She had passed out shortly after he had gathered her into his arms. Rushing into the bathroom he grabbed the first aid kit that was under the bathroom sink. Quickly he cleaned her wounds, leaning down he couldn’t help but appreciate the delicious scent of her blood. Taking a deep breath he leaned down and kissed the bite marks, transferring some of his energy to her at least stop the bleeding. Thankfully Devon had missed her jugular vein. How that moron had missed it was beyond Brent, he was just thankful that he had.

          Pulling away from Cassandra, Brent had to take a few deep breaths to control his anger. How could Robert and Nicole have left Cassandra home alone when they knew the danger she was in? How could he have not thought about it earlier? If it hadn’t been for his connection to her soul then he wouldn’t have felt her fear, and wouldn’t have rushed to her aid. Forcing all guilty thoughts from his mind he focused on making her more comfortable. Once he was sure she would be comfortable he left her room, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Dialing Robert’s number he waited patiently for him to answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2012 ⏰

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