Last Day of Summer

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Augustine's POV:

We all sat at the dock and looked as the sun set on the last day of summer. "I am going to dread those mortals all year long" Kallie complained. "Ya until u see a hot guy u wanna go out with Kal." I said smilling. She glared at me.

"Ya like that'll ever happen." She said back. "Ya, Aug u have to relize, this is Kallie were talking about. Everyone is too scared to even go near her. Let alone DATE her." Carter said.

"You are soooooo lucky Augustine and Jordan are between us or you would be swimming with the fishes. Literally!"

"Please. You wouldn't hurt me. Aug would let you do anything to me." Carter said. We all looked at him "Ya I thought so...."Carter said disappointed.

"Guys, we have to go. It's getting late and we have school." Jordan said.

"Uh Jord, me and Kallie dont sleep, Carter barley sleeps. Your the only one who has to sleep." She shrugged. "C ya I'm going to bed guys." Jordan jumped in the water so her tail would appear and swam to the bottom of the lake. I waved bye. Carter took out his phone and his dad was calling.

Carter's conversation


"We're are you mister?! You were suppose to be here half an hour ago! The Vampires would kill you if you were out after hours!"

"Fine. I'm on my way. See you soon."

"Carter! Don't yo..."

He hung up before his dad could say anything else. "Hey guys I gotta leave. See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Carter!" I yelled to him. He waved and so did I. "Yeah. I better bounce. Bye Aug." Kallie said. "Bye." I said back.

I sat at the dock alone. It was dark and cold. I sat there until about 2 AM.

Uhhhhh. I'm bored. I wonder what would happen if I spy on Carter or Kallie? Well, Kallie would kill me if she found me and Carter, well I guess I could find out...

I got up from the dock and vamped so I could super speed to his tribes cabins. The best thing about being in vamp mode is that cameras can't see me so I can walk in and out cause the whole thing is run by cameras.

I looked around for cabin 3, his house. Since he was a teen wolf, he got to live alone.

I found it and ran over to it. The door was locked so I went to the window. The lights were off but he was on his phone. I could see him texting someone. I couldn't really see but it said, I think, Kayla. KAYLA?! MY SISTER?! Is he, DATING HER?! Carter's a bad boy and will break her heart. I have to stop this before it turns out badly. "CARTER DEAN FRANE!" I yelled. "Aug? What are you doing here." He said throwing his phone across his bed and opening the window so I could come in.

"You know, bored. Dropping by and see your dating my little sister! How dare you!" I yelled. "Sorry. She's hott. You had to of seen this comming Aug. Besides, what are you so worried about." He said kinda scared.

Carter's POV:

Okay, what do you say to your best friend that has gone insane? "Seriously?! You date then break. You will crush her! Your her first boyfriend!" She said still yelling. "Jeez Auggie, calm down. We're gonna get found out about." I said. He was mad. I could tell. Her eyes were beat red and that means she's vamped and ANGRY.

"If you hurt her, I'll hurt you! Don't think I won't Carter!" Her fangs made her voice harder to hear and that kinds freaked me out. This has never happened. Ever.

I looked at her. "Calm down." I said making her sit on my bed. She calmed down after a little bit. "Hey, I'm sorry Auggie. I'll end it in the nicest way possible. I promise." She nodded. "You better get home and alteas t calm your parents. They have been asking me where you." She smiled. "Okay."

She left and I went to bed... I'm gonna hate tomorrow.


Hey everyone! Sorry this was really confusing.... I hoped you liked it tho! It's my first supernatural fiction! I'll update every Saturday or before cause who knows how I write.... thanks for reading! Vote and follow! Bye!!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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