Your pregnant and his ex comes back(Liam) Pt.2

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Sorry this took so long Keleighluvs1D and the rest of you guys I'm sorry I had this written for a long time I just didn't know how to end it but I finally did and I'm proud of the way it turned out. I hope you like it Kelly! And I hope the rest of you guys like also
You were still walking down the dark streets occasionally passing a small motel but you didnt feel like staying in a lonely motel room with your thoughts about what Liam had done, so you kept walking and eventually made your way to your adorable best friend's house. You walked up to the porch and hesitantly knocked on the door, you waited for a while and Niall swung the door open with a ham sandwich in hand while chomping away happily at it.

"Oh hey Kelly how come your here so late?" Niall asked after he swallowed what was in his mouth, you looked into his ocean blue eyes and broke down all over again, you covered your mouth with your hand to hold back a sob. Niall's eyes went wide and he gently pulled you into his famous horan hugs, they were always warm and loving and this made you feel a whole lot better. You heard Niall whisper into your ear that you didn't have to tell him until you were ready, you smiled up at Niall weakly and pressed a gentle kiss to his pink cheek.

Niall blushed and gently brought you inside his house since outside was a little chilly and he didn't want you to freeze, especially while your caring baby Landon. He sat you down on the couch and helped you take off your shoes and coat

"I'll be right back I'm gonna go put on a pot of tea for us ok?" Niall asked as he waited for your response, you smiled and nodded your head. Niall made his way into the kitchen to go make the tea, you laid your head down on the comfy white pillows and rubbed your swollen stomach

Landon was still kicking furiously begging for his fathers touch instead of yours, you felt your eyes well up with tears again as you felt how much your baby missed his daddy

"I miss him too baby..." You whispered as you closed your eyes and tried to relax, a couple of minutes later Landon had finally calmed down and had fallen asleep. Niall had came back with two steaming cups of tea, he put the cups on the coffee table as you both waited for them to cool down

"N-Niall can I stay here for a bit? You know until I find a real place to stay?" You asked Niall as you looked down at your swollen feet embarrassed that you were homeless and needed a place to stay.

"Sure...I'd love to have you here and baby Landon too!" Niall said happily as he put a hand on your swollen stomach and gently rubbed it, this made Landon wake up quickly and kick Niall's hand happily.

"Wow seems like baby Landon's ready to play!" Niall said as he continued to rub your stomach more, you smiled at this moment looking at Niall interacting with your son but to tell the truth you wished it was Liam instead. You giggled as Niall started to tickle your tummy, he then opened his arms out wide waiting for you to accept his embrace. You smiled and put yourself in his warm hug as he kissed your forehead and said quietly in your ear

"Don't worry about anything Kelly I'll be right here to help you every step of the way" You looked up I to Niall's blue eyes and smiled, you both started to lean in getting closer and closer to each other until you moved back quickly while clearing your throat. You still loved Liam and you thought it would be weird to kiss your best friend

"The teas are getting cold" you told Niall as you reached down and picked up your tea taking a sip of it. He looked a bit disappointed when you didn't kiss him but quickly covered it up and plastered a smile on his face as he took up his tea and took a sip. You loved Niall but as a best friend you wouldn't want to jeopardize that by one mistake that you and him made.

*1 Month Later*

"No controool" you sang quietly to yourself as you cleaned up the house a little bit. The radio was on blasting 'No control' by one direction and this was your favorite song by them, Liam hasn't contacted you since that night and you were glad because you were trying to move on without him and not go crawling back.

One direction interracial preferences(Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin