One Look (one shot)

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Ok, The other day, one of my best friends asked me to write her a one shot romance. Obviously, I said yes. 

I'm definitly not the bad girl type, but I'm not the goody-two-shoes type either. I would like to say I'm serious at school but I do know how to flirt (I'm not slutty though I promise). Well, let me get on with my back story so I can catch you up to now, it's a good story let me tell you. 

My best  friend, Aimee and I had been planning on going clubbing after finals. (Don't worry we are both 22) We weren't going for a one night stand or anything like that, it was more for relaxing after stressing for almost two months. Enough back story, I'm going to start telling it from a first person perspective. 

"Kam, c'mon! Where your new dress!" Aimee had been trying to get me to wear a turquoise dress with lace; it was strapless and came up to mid thigh - if I was lucky.  

I stared up at Aimee, faking consideration, then shook my head and scrunched up my nose. 

"Fine! At least let me do your make up!" 


"Why not?" Honestly, I didn't want to look like a racoon or goth or egyptian. It's not really my style. Long story short, I settled for the dress. I went with a nuetral smokey eye which complimented my blue eyes nicely.  

"Aimee, what are you going to wear?"

"No, no, no... Don't worry about me..." She said trailing off with a suspicious smile on her face. 

Aimee and I had arranged to meet at our favorite club, I was a little worried about what Aimee was going to wear. 

"Kamryn!" Said a bubbly girl dressed in a pink tutu dress? That is soooo not Aimee's style

"Aimee, it looks like you've been mauled by a group of ballerinas....." 

"Oh, you don't like it?' She looked sorta hurt.

"No! It's not that, I'm not used to you being so pink and frilly! It's a good color for you!"

"Thanks! Let's go in!" 

After we had gotten past security we went straight to the dance floor. Quickly, Aimee got an attractive partner so I moved to a table to catch my breath. I started to look around for a waiter and that was when I saw him. I don't know what it was but when my eyes met his dark ones a shudder raked through my body.  He was about six feet tall and had a football player build. His brown hair was spiked up but it wasn't messy. Long story short this guy was gorgeous. I didn't understand why girls weren't falling over him. 

Then I understood. He was heading in my direction. In my direction... STRAIGHT TOWARDS ME! 

Oh my god Kam breathe. It's ok play it cool. 

"Hi," his silky tenor voice floated above the music.  Shivers went up and down my spine.

"Hi," Smooth move.

"Do you wanna dance?" His smile lit up his entire face, accentuating his features. I did everything I could to not squeal with joy. 

"Of course!!" I smiled back. As quicly as I had replied he had my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. Hours had gone by but it felt like two minutes. All I remeber is laughing and smiling and being amazed that such an attractive nice guy was into me. 

We went to a table to take a breather. I had no clue where Aimee was and at the moment I didn't care. Until he had cupped my face in his hand and started to lean toward me, I'm pretty sure that would have been the kiss of my lifetime, but Aimee decided to grab my hand and drag me away from the perfect kiss.

"Let's go, I don't feel good." Aimee demanded

"Aimee are you ok, and in case you didn't realize, thank you for dragging me away from perfection."

"Oh, ya I'm sorry about that, but I've been throwing up for the past hour."

"Why didn't you come get me?!"

"I don't know..." She trailed off because we were in my car. Two seconds later she was snoring peacefully in the passenger seat.


I still hadn't found him, or the Darkling, as AImee liked to call him. I had been back to the club on multiple occasions, hoping I would see him there. But every time I didn't see him.

"Kam! We need to go to the grocery store!" Aimee screamed across the room.

"You make the list, I'll go!"

"Awesome!" Aimee handed me a list about a mile long. I glared at her and left to go to the store.  

I headed off to the grocery store while reading over the list. There was everything from tampons to star fruit. Why would she need star fruit? Whatever. It's Aimee. I pulled into the parking lot and decided I should go to the produce section first getting the other stuff last.  

Apples, grapes oranges and starfruit check. Ice cream, milk and yogurt check. Lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothepaste, q tips check. I only had one more thing left! Yes! 

For some reason Aimee asked for a specific brand of tampons that I could not find to save my life. She must be PMS-ing to be that picky whatever. I was kneeling on the floor when I was tapped on the shoulder and lifted up. I gasped.

"I knew it was you," his tenor voice spoke. And before anything - or anybody, could interupt he had his lips on mine. I melted. This most definitly was the kiss of the lifetime.

"Wait," I said grasping his hands that he had placed on the side of my face. 

"I'm sorry, I've been trying to find you," 

"It's ok I was looking for you too, but what's your name?" 

"Max," he smiled his heart wrenching smile. "What's yours?"


"It's perfect," and he pulled me in for another kiss. Right in the toiletries section of the grocery store. 

P.S. I'm sorry this story is such a fail. I really didn't know what to right, these are hard!! Also I'm sorry there are a TON of mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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