Skater Chick

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Chapter 1

Mercedes POV

*BEEP BEEP* a Ford 250 truck honked its horn at me. However, I crossed on a crosswalk so I had the right away. So I stuck my middle finger up at the male driver who quickly made his way past me.

If you are wondering about how I know exactly what the car brand and information is, my dad raised me to know cars. All of them. He figured that because him and mom named me after a car, I should know cars. And I do. Just by looking at them.

Anyway, I hopped up onto the sidewalk that I rode every day, at the same time, in the same old Florida weather. Did I mention I was on a skateboard? This is my exercise. I love to skateboard. I even won a medal for being the 3rd best in the state.

I do other sports too. Well, just one other. Soccer. I love it. Not as much as skateboarding, but, pretty close.

Um, I guess I should say a bit about me, yes?

My name is Mercedes. Mercedes May Miller. Yea I know, three 'M's. Everyone calls me Benz. Because, well, Mercedes Benz.

I have long blonde hair. I'm 5'7 and I'm skinny. A bit too skinny. And that's my fault but I'd rather not talk about that now. I'm also quite petite.

I'm different. I have one blue eye and one green eye.

I'm an only child. In fact, it was a miracle I was even born. My mom was told that she had a small chance at having a baby, but she did. That was 19 years ago, so obviously, I'm 19.

I should be in college, as last year I graduated high school, but I decided to have a gap year. Maybe two, but I'm not sure yet. It's only February 18, so I have plenty of time to decide. I also don't work. But I plan to soon. Maybe.

So, now you know about me.

I passed some older woman who were jogging on the sidewalk. I politely smiled as I passed them. See? I can be nice too.

I sometimes feel like their are two different me's. The quiet, awkward, 'dealing with her so many problems' girl. And then there's the sporty, hanging with the guys, reckless girl. I wish I could just always be the second one.

I soon stopped at Dunkin Donuts. The same one I stop at every day. I got a cookie and a water bottle, and quickly paid the cashier. I sat in the small one person seat by the window, my skateboard under my feet, rolling back and forth. As I nibbled on my cookie, I took out my small sketch pad I had brought with me in my small bag that I had had slung around my neck. I started to randomly draw silly doodles and cartoons.

I liked to draw, or doodle, too. It was just something I did sometimes at Dunkin. Sometimes I read, other times I'll listen to music.

After finishing half of my cookie and some of my water, I threw the cookie away and packed the water bottle in my bag. I grabbed my skateboard and left the small building.

I automatically saw the two meanest girls I knew in school. They went to the local college, and liked to pick on me saying that I was too stupid to go to college so I took a year off.


They walked right up to me and started laughing. To be honest, it doesn't phase as much as it used to, but obviously it still hurts.

"Well well well. Look who it is! Little miss 'gap year'" the brunette said. Her name was Kate. And she was a complete slut. She always wore shirts to show cleavage and short skirts.

"Still riding that stupid 'thing on wheels'?" the other one, who was a fake blond, named Hanna, asked me.

The quiet me was starting to take over, but the reckless me pushed through and I stood up for myself.

"You know Hanna, I would have thought that college teaches you things. Like the word 'skateboard' is not a 'thing on wheels'. I mean, jeez, I thought I was the one who wasn't currently in college." I put my skateboard down at my feet and got ready to leave.

"But I guess college is just a waste of time for you. Both of you actually. All you both ever need to learn is how to ask 'Did you use a condom?'" I said and then made my departure. The look on their faces literally made my life a bit better. I knew that wouldn't last that long but I'll take what I can.

I rode off down the street, back towards my house. It was roughly 4 or 5 miles away. But I'm used to the distance. I like it actually. It gives me time to be alone. To think. To just, ride.

I was suddenly broken out of my train of thought when I was nearly hit by a 1997 Lincoln Navigator. I fell off my skateboard even though there was no impact. But let me tell you, they were only a few inches away from hitting me. Stupid drivers.

The car stopped and I had a feeling they were going to come out and yell at me, or apologize, I'm not really sure.

Before they even got the chance to open their door, however, I was up and on my skateboard again. Of course, not without a quick flick of my middle finger and a mean glare. The windows were tinted so I wasn't sure if they saw my glare but oh well.

I rode all the way home and when I entered my front door, it was dead silent, as I expected. My mom and dad were at work considering it was a Monday.

I quickly cleaned up the scrape on my elbow from the fall minutes earlier and then grabbed my smart food popcorn. I sat on the couch and watched TV.

Louis POV

"HOLY SHIT WATCH OUT! Harry screamed from the passenger seat beside me.

All the boys and I were in our rented black car, whatever it's called. The breaks were a bit more sensitive than I thought and I was having a bit of difficulty driving the car.

I quickly slammed the breaks just before hitting a blonde on a skateboard. That's actually pretty cool, there aren't a lot of skater chicks in England.

I was ready to get out of the car and apologize when she got straight back up. She looked me right in the eyes, even thought the windows were tinted, and chucked me the middle finger.

I barely realized the rude gesture though. Because of her eyes. They were amazing! They were different colors. One blue and one green. That's just so amazing!

"She's gone.." Liam said to me. He put his seat belt back on, I guess he was ready to get out of the car and see if she was okay, and we all sat there for a minute.

Then all of a sudden Harry spoke. "She was hot!"

"Shut up Harry. Let's go!" I said and we drove off back to out hotel here in Florida. We were to do a few concerts here.

I wonder what her name is. I bet it's beautiful.

However, there is no way that I'll ever see her again anyway so I'll probably never know. I mean, Florida is a big state. So, oh well. So much for the thought of getting to know her.

I really would love to have another girl in my life though. I mean, Eleanor moved on already, before I did. And she was the one that cheated on me! I don't know, I'm just lonely I suppose. I just need to mingle more.

"Louis we're here!" Niall yelled. I didn't even realize that I had driven all the way to the hotel already. I exited the car and we all made our way to our hotel room.

Maybe I just need a nap. All this thinking of girls and relationships is making my head spin.



hello beautifuls! as you may know, I'll be deleting the designers after i upload this first chapter. however, i think ill wait a day or two more to delete it.

Anyway! do you guys like this story so far? i know this chapter was a bit boring and it really just starting things off...

but please fan, vote, comment, like or whatever! I'd really appreciate it!


I'm on spring break btw so hopefully ill update a bunch!

love you all!



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