The Concert

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Chapter 7

Mercedes POV

I felt so out of place. Perrie and Dani have probably been to their concerts before, are probably adored by their fans, and I mean, come on, THEY'RE FUCKING GORGEOUS!

"Hi!" both of the girls said to me.

Perrie was the first to notice my odd feature.

"Wow your eyes are incredible!" she said with a thick accent.

"Oh yea! I love them!" Dani added in.

I blushed slightly and thanked them. I knew I was still no where as pretty as they were.

"Well let's get this concert started!" Niall said excitedly. Niall was so...weird. One second he seems depressed, the next he is completely carefree and happy. Well, that's just something I noticed about him.

We all separated. The boys going off in a dressing room, Louis giving me a quick peck on the cheek goodbye, then Dani and Perrie led me to our seats.

"The boys always get us amazing seats. And they are always front row, dead center." Perrie said.

"It must get really loud." I said kind of shyly.

"Yea. But we come prepared!" Perrie told me while handing me a pair of pink earplugs. Dani held hers up, showing me, then Perrie did the same. I thanked her, and as we made it to our seats, which might I add, were dead center and front row, fans started to pour in. Dani and Perrie had me sit in between them, for some reason I don't know.

Most were teenage girls. Some moms, and some boys. Everyone was so different, but they were all so similar. All wearing One Direction merchandise, all holding posters, some stuffed animals. And all were screaming like crazy.

I quickly put my earplugs in, blocking most of the noise. Then Dani tapped my shoulder.

"Just wait, it gets much louder. It's crazy!" She shouted. I nodded my head to assure her that I had heard her.

After another 45 minutes, the lights dimmed. Everyone screamed, including Dani and Perrie, all excited for the boys to come on stage. I just stood there, out of place.

A preview came on, then a countdown. Then before I knew it, they were all onstage, the lights shining on them. They started singing a really upbeat song, I didn't know what the song was called but it was pretty good. They didn't even have an opening act, that's weird. Oh well, it doesn't matter now I guess.

Even with earplugs in, I could hear the boys' beautiful voices. Along with all of the fans singing with them, word for word. I didn't know any of the songs. Well other than the song that Louis sang me at breakfast before. I believe he said it was called 'They Don't Know About Us'? Right? Yeah, I think that was it.

 I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard an all too familiar voice.

"This song is dedicated to someone special. You know who you are." Louis said into his microphone. Dani and Perrie looked at me and smiled, so I smiled back, not sure what else to do really. I looked back up at Louis who looked me right in the eyes and winked. I laughed at him, he couldn't wink very well.

Then I heard the piano. It was a really beautiful beat, and something about it was familiar. Then Liam started to sing. Then it hit me. This really was dedicated to me. It was 'They Don't Know Us'.

By the time it was Louis' solo, I was swaying with the rest of the crowd, singing the few words I knew.

When the last of the chorus started to end, Louis stood in front of the rest of the boys and sang the last line..

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