Chapter one, It hit me like a ton of bricks.

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This is me. Samantha Nicole Hall, just a typical teenage girl with many dreams and hopes in life well like you know... like any typical teenage girl would have.Dreams to become rich one day and drive the latest motor to school and to have the worlds most hottest man and for every girl to be jelous.
Obviously this wasnt my life, my life is simple. I go to school and meet up with all my friends and get an education like most kids going to school but I didnt feel like everyone around me,i felt different from my freinds.

like every sunny morning i woke up a happy,young, teenage girl who lived a carefree life and had everything from a loving family and best friends , I was also in one of the most highly rated schools in my town and i just had loads of fun like all young kids growing up. Until i hit my last year of middle school....

20th of March.
i woke up this morning with a strange feeling crawling around in my tummy, it was a feeling of anxiousness and the feeling of being uncomfortable. my head was still so tired from the late night of laying in bed gazing at the ceiling fan thinking of so many random things like which boy i liked and what i was going to do on the weekend and just not being able to close my eyes and drift off into a deep coma and waking up feeling refreashed in the morning. i felt completely exuasted when my mother Leanne came into my room to wake me up for school.
i always dreaded the moment of the light being switched on and like every mornning i pleaded for five more minutes but i always would lose the battle,so i got out of bed still feeling so uneasy and walked to the kitchen to get some water hoping that this feeling would go away eventually.As i finished getting ready for school i got into the car ready to go to school but I was still so tired from the lack of sleep.

This morning when i got to school i felt like everything was different and i felt un happy but i ignored it ,to try and focus on the bright morning and the crisp sun waking up from hibonation. I walked over to my friends who always stand right in the same spot every morning. Next to the tall, obvious,green tree in the middle of the grounds.
I looked around before greeting everybody around me with a forced smile, still trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling crawling inside of me. 'Hey tay', i said with a croacky voice, still trying to wake up to the beautiful morning.'Tay' which is short for Tayla, she is one of my best friends that i have had for a very long time. i then greeted all my other freinds in the group with a hug hello.
'Hey Sammy,how are you this wonderful morning?',Tayla said with a grin on her face trying to see if i was seemed like i was totally failing at trying to hide this feeling in the pitt of my stomach. Well i should have known, Tayla does know me inside out just by looking at the grin on my face. I knuged her back trying to ease her worry. She sighed a breath of relief and carried on with her convosation which you know, consists of girly banter and back and forth rants about typical teenage girl talk. This went on for a while until the bell rang and it was ready for class.

The day was like every other normal school day, i had the same classes as usual on this particular day of the week and everything hadnt changed but i didnt feel like the same person well at least inside of me felt different. I kept thinking to myself that this feeling will go away soon and that i just have to give it time, but unfortunatly this feeling continued for days and i felt like i was trapped, like no-one could help me,well i didnt even try to explain this feeling to anyone because i thought that i was weird, and this is not normal.
I decided to keep it to myself and just go on like nothing had changed, this of corse was very hard to hide and left everybody suspicious.

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