thirty five; vixen

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Alice - Avril Lavigne 

  I'm freaking out, where am I now?
Upside down and I can't stop it now.


"Try not to overthink or depend on too much, sometimes your feelings are the cause of the problems, because I don't know exactly what you are for the moment I can't help you. All I know is that this magic inside of you is born solely because of mine," said Kai as the two stood in the Mystic Falls cemetery, clear of any possible passerby's. 

He stood behind Lilith, placing his hands on her hips lightly. He smirked when he felt her stiffen up and lowered his head to her ear. "So for the time being try to focus on one thing, an image that stirs up the most powerful emotion inside you."

Several images flashed inside of her mind. Fear; the man that once tried to rape her. Love; Kai and Lucifer. Anger; Bonnie's face. Lust; Kai naked. At this image she let out a zap of electricity at a near by tree causing Kai to jump back and her to blush ferociously. 

"Whatever you thought of worked," Kai laughed nervously, checking to see if he was hit. Obviously not if he didn't feel any pain. "What did you think of?" He asked. 

Lilith refused to look at him. "Just, uh, a memory," she stuttered, squeaking every time he forced her to look at him. She would shuffle away, with him following her until he backed her up into a tree. 

"Come on, tell daddy Kai what you were thinking about," he teased her, resting his hands by her head on the oak. 

At his words she blushed. He wasn't helping, she thought as several images flashed through her mind. Since their first little escapade, they'd gotten to know each other a little more, him not crying after sex made it a lot better. 

"D-don't say that," she stuttered, looking everywhere but at him. She felt him nuzzle his nose into the crook of her neck and let out a quivering breath before tensing when she felt him shower her neck with little kisses. 

Her hands grasped hold of his shirt, forcing his lips away from her neck and to her own eager ones. She gasped when he pushed her up against the tree, his lips adding pressure as they kissed. At her gasp he thrust his tongue into her tongue, his hands holding her neck. He broke apart and narrowed his eyes at her. 

"We're in a lesson, stop seducing the teacher," he scolded her, pointing a finger in her face before stepping back a few steps. 

"Wha-" Lilith didn't know what to say as she stared at him with a slacked jaw. She let out a noise of denial as she stepped forwards but he held his hand out. "No, you can't come closer, not if you're trying to seduce me, gosh, keep it in your pants woman," he scoffed. 

Lilith was beyond stumped at his words, furrowing her eyebrows. "You started it," she cried, throwing her hands up in the air. 

Kai pursed his lips, shaking his head as he placed his hands on his hips. "How childish of you, you can't even take the blame," he taunted her, tutting at her. "Shame on you," he whispered. 

"Me?" She squeaked, pointing to herself, she didn't know if he was joking or not. "Are you playing a joke on me?" She asked. 

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" He replied with a disgusted tone. "I should punish you," he told her.

Lilith tilted her head, muttering, "what the fuck?" 

Suddenly Kai burst out laughing, clapping his hands. "Ha! Punish you? I could flick you and you'd start crying," he teased as he walked to her. He pinched her nose. "You cutie," he said before letting her go. "Anyway, let's carry on with the lesson."

Lilith nodded slowly, slightly scared of Kai's good mood.  She let him teach the lesson, taking in everything he said -well at least the serious things he said- and once he had demonstrated something, she would copy, huffing when she got it wrong and squealing when she succeeded. 

Later that day they walked home, with Kai asking her questions about her past. "I just wanna get to know my girlfriend more," he said when she had wanted to know why. 

"I used to scare Lucifer and Gabriel a lot with stories," Lilith snickered. "They were about angels and demons most of the time, you know, because of our names." 

"Yeah, what is it with your names?" Kai asked, scrunching his face up. "They're like the names from that show Supernatural."

Lilith laughed and nodded as they walked down the deserted street in Mystic Falls town. It was five in the morning. "Yeah, we asked that, but they never gave us a clear answer, they told all three of us a different story."

"Such as?" 

"Well, they told Gabriel that they picked him that names because they knew he was going to be their little angel," she said. "They told Lucifer that he was the devil of the family and was a disgrace to them, he disappointed them, they wanted rid of him at one point," she muttered sadly. "Luckily I stopped them."

Kai nodded and looked down. "I can understand the kid then," he laughed although there was no humor in his voice. He smiled at her comfortingly before squeezing the arm that was around her waist. "What did they tell you? Why were you called Lilith?"

"Lilith was Adam's first wife in the bible y'know?" She looked at Kai with a smirk. "But she rebelled and abandoned him, she joined the side of evil, I guess that's what they saw in me," she said. 

Kai looked confused. "I thought Adam's wife was Eve," he said with a slow voice as if working it out. 

"Nope, only when Lilith deceived Adam did God created the second wife, Eve. Eve was the replacement," she said with a smug voice. 

Kai gave her an approving glance. "I like Lilith," he said with a grin before placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Yeah, Lilith was way prettier than Eve, at least by the paintings I've seen," she said. "However, I'm still confused on your name," she said, looking at Kai for a moment. 

Kai pursed his lips. "Why?" 

"Well all of the Black's names are Hebrew, Gabriel, Lilith, Lucifer, Madelaine and Jacoba. So is yours so I know of yours too," she explained. "And yours means angel or messenger, you were the one to help Jesus in Jerusalem." 

Kai shrugged, saying "misjudge of character I suppose."

Lilith bit her lip, glancing at him in the corner of her eye before shaking her head. "Only to some," she muttered, quickly pecking him on the cheek. 

Soz it's short. It's on a filler chapter to be honest. A little get to know your characters more before disaster strikes. Oops. Spoiler alert ;)

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