Chapter 19

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"Have you even moved since I left?" I closed my bedroom door behind me.

"You just missed it, actually. I just went for a wee." Harry gave me a cheeky smile from under the covers, his hair a mess on my pillow, "Care to join me?"

I stared at him, suppressing laughter, "Harry, I left hours ago."

He blinked, his dimple deepening, "Has it been that long?"

"It's after one o'clock."

"Oh," his voice was deep and raspy, and he rubbed at his eyes, smiling beneath his fingers, "right."

"Are you okay?" I asked, setting my bag down on the floor and eyeing him.

His eyebrows were drawn together, "I'm fine. Why?"

I blew out a breath, tossing my hair aside, "I've just never seen anyone sleep so much."

It had been three days since he'd arrived - seventy two hours - and I didn't keep track, but I'd guess he slept for probably sixty of them. Not that I really minded. I just loved knowing he was here, tucked into my bed, breathing and dreaming deeply, and I poked my head in more times than I should've just to watch him - the way his hair fell over his face, the way his mouth would fall open, the way his hands would curl up against his chest. And things were even better when he was awake, when he'd come into the living room in his boxers and undershirt, his hair a mess, and smile sleepily at me. Or the way we talked over bowls of cereal in the morning, the way he came out of the shower smelling like my body wash, the coconut scent smelling more appealing on him than I'm sure it ever had on me, the way he smiled at me, laughed with me (and at me), the way he pulled me to him, kissed my lips, kissed my forehead, kissed anywhere I would let him while we watched TV, while we lay in bed, before he fell asleep once more.

"I always sleep a lot right off the tail-end of a tour." He stretched, the muscles in his arms tightening as he groaned, and I couldn't help but gulp, "My mum always jokes that she has to check to see if I'm still breathing."

"You think she's kidding. I checked a couple of times yesterday." I said, sitting at the foot of the bed, and watching as he sat all the way up,  "And you say I sleep deeply."

"You do," His hand moved closer to me, inching toward my leg, "We can't both sleep deeply?"

I moved my leg away and smirked at him, "There's only room for one deep sleeper in this relationship, and I have already filled that position."

"Mmm, but it would be so much more fun," he leaned forward, both hands inching toward my hips, "if we both slept deeply. Together."

"Don't you mean," they found their mark, tightening around my waist, "it would be more fun if we didn't actually sleep together?"

His smirk widened, and he yanked me down with him, causing me to giggle, "My clever, clever girl."

He was nuzzling his nose into my neck, and I could feel his breath, warm on my skin, "You must be tired after a long day of classes."

"I was gone for like, four hours," I said, smiling as he kissed the spot just underneath my jaw.

"But you woke up early."

"I woke up at eight."

"That's pretty early."

"Harry," I said, turning my head to get his undivided attention, and I was pleased when his gleaming green eyes met mine, "Are you trying to get me to actually just sleep with you right now?"

He considered for only a moment.

"So that's a 'no,' on the nap?"

"How are you still tired?"

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