Chapter 23

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I tried to be quiet.

"Where are you going?" His voice was deep, and he grumbled the words through sleepy lips.

I'd woken up about a half hour earlier, and had to pry myself away from him, out of his arms, away from his warmth to shower, get dressed, and get ready for work. And I was exhausted. We hadn't spent most of the night sleeping.

I turned, smiling over at him, "I have to get to work."

Harry turned all the way over, bringing a hand to one eye and rubbing, "Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?"

He sounded so pitiful, and so sleepy, I couldn't help but laugh, "I just gave you a kiss on the cheek."

Harry sat up, his lips tilting up at the corners, the comforter puddling around his waist, "Come here."

It was already after twelve, I was technically supposed to be at the restaurant at twelve-thirty. I'd never make it on time anyway.

"I'm already late," I said as I walked the few steps over to him.

His hands came around my hips, "No need to rush, then."

Harry's eyes had a wicked glint in them, and the next thing I knew I was falling, being pulled back onto the bed, landing on the other side of him, with his sleepy warmth on top of me.

"Harry," I scolded half-heartedly. His lips had attached themselves to my neck.

"Hmm?" He grumbled against me, still pressing hot kisses to the skin.

His hand was moving purposefully up underneath my shirt, and my skin was already on fire, the now-familiar tingling already swirling in my stomach and in between my legs. He shifted a bit, and I felt him, hard against my leg, and I could barely breathe with the want.

Last night had been amazing. We were drunk on each other, taking gasping breaths of each other's air, filling each other with lust — craving, clawing, loving until we finally, incredibly satisfied it. And then we lay breathless, giggling, kissing still, dozing in between before one woke the other to do it all over again.

I'd never known each detail of my body so precisely, been so aware of the way it reacted, the way it wanted, the way it took him inside like it owned him, the way it tensed, and heaved, and shivered when he gave it exactly what it wanted. I'd never known the way it could crave another body, never felt the way it could beg for more, the way it needed him like a fix that had me waking him up by taking him into my mouth, and giving him the pleasure it knew would be returned ten times over.

But I was learning.

And his lips on my neck, his hands wandering up my torso, his warm, bare chest hovering over mine — it was all rushing back in vivid color, with intense sensation. This wasn't just want, or lust. This was hunger in its most physical, most primal form. And if I didn't end it now, I knew I wouldn't be able to.

"Harry..." I said more forcefully when one hand started to venture down...

Harry's lips detached themselves from my neck, "I know," he groaned, pressing a firm kiss to my lips before pulling back, "I know."

I waited for him to move, simultaneously hoping he never would.

He didn't disappoint.

"Aren't you going to let me get up?"

Harry smirked, "Now who's ruining the fun?"

My mind was trying to make bargains with my body — You've been at it all night, don't you need a rest? The heat between my legs pulsed. Give him one more kiss, then it's time to go. I arched my back into him, trying to angle myself so that the hard length of him would rub deliciously where I wanted it. I'll give you ten minutes, but then we need to leave.

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