Aaron Carpenter

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I'm laying in bed trying to take a nap when I hear the doorbell ring.  I groan as I make my way downstairs to open the door.  I open the door to reveal Aaron with bags of I don't even know what.

"You look horrible," he says looking at me.

"Well considering I haven't gotten out of bed and taken a shower in three days I probably do look horrible," I say turning to go back to my bed.

"And that is why I brought movies and food," he smiles going to my room with me.

"What movie do you want to watch?" he asks showing  me five different movies.

I pick out The Fault in our Stars and Aaron puts it in the TV and it starts playing.  As we're watching the movie he pulls out a bag of sour patch kids, which are my favorite, and we share them.  About half way though the movie we pause it and he goes downstairs to make me some hot tea.

Five minutes later he comes back upstairs with two mugs.  He hands me one of the mugs and sits right back where he was right next to me.

When the movie ends he puts in Frozen and he wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his torso.  Aaron looks down at me and kisses my forehead.  I relax in his arms and close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.


Hey so sorry this one is a little short, but hope you like it byeeeeee. -K

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