Chapter 5: A Night I Almost Loved

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Norman's POV

After my panel I headed to the convention again. I met a lot more fans, they were sweet I love meeting my fans. But for some reason Anayis was still on my mind. Why was she crying? Why did she leave so soon? I kept asking myself questions and thought, maybe I wont ever see her again. Which was kind of depressing, even though I just met her. She just made me want to smile all the time, I don't know but she just makes me nervous.

I finished up my photo ops and headed to my hotel room. Once I arrived I started getting ready for the after party. I took off my red button up shirt and put on my black button up shirt. I kept the same jeans and work boots on; I took my New York Yankees hat off and placed my Chewbacca hat on my head. I tried to make myself look as nice as I could in case I happened to run into Anayis. I brushed my shaggy hair out of my face, drenched myself in my musk, and slightly opened my shirt by leaving one button undone. I grabbed my RayBans and my wallet; I headed out the door. My manager Sean wanted all of us to meet up at his hotel room before we headed to the party. Our "group" consisted of Sean, Jon, Michael and I.

We all took a seat at a booth. All of us were drinking beers and chatting away. I would sneak in some levels of Candy Crush while Michael told us about his weird life stories that we all heard of a million times before.

"Cmon Norm leave Candy Crush alone for a sec," Michael complained to me.

"Hold on I'm almost done with this level," I brushed off his remark.

I looked up from my phone and my eyes met those familiar, big, brown eyes I had seen earlier today. Anayis was dancing away on the dance floor, her hair moving as gracefully as her. We kept an exchange of looks for awhile. She would smile and laugh at me as I sipped on my drink and watched her dance. I needed to go over there and talk to her. I looked over at Michael, Jon, and Sean, they were still listening to Michael's life stories.

"Hey guys," I interrupted "I'm gonna go head to the dance floor." I got up and started walking over toward Anayis. I never broke the eye connection that was locked between us. As I finally approached her the words slipped out of my mouth, "I didn't think I would ever see you again."

"Well I'm here," she giggled. Her giggle was so cute it made me nervous. "So, are you gonna dance or what?" she smirked at me. I accepted her "challenge."

We danced for quite awhile. She was a great dancer, but I grew tired and tired by the minute. I had to take a break. We made our way over to the bar, we sat and I ordered us two beers. I held one out to her, but she rejected. "It's okay, I don't want any."

We had a great conversation, I was just lost in her words and her eyes. When she talked she used her hands, I could just tell she was a passionate girl. She loves what she does and is so inspired by many things. I love that about her. I asked her what her life goal was, but as soon as I asked her smile fell. She looked unsure, "Um, I guess I just want to be...happy." I could tell, even past her smile and cheerful, dorky personality, that she wasn't happy. She almost looked broken.....damaged.

Suddenly the music slowed down and Anayis' face lit up at the sound of the song. The DJ played the song You Are Not Alone. "I love this song!," she squealed "Its just so....beautiful." She was swooning as the song played. I smiled, because for some reason seeing her happy just made me happy. I stood up and held my hand out to her. She grabbed my hand and I led her to the dance floor. We started off dancing like two kids in junior high. It was awkward but funny.

"This is kind of an awkward way of dancing," I chuckled. She grinned at me then wrapped her arms around my neck which caused my arms to wrap around her waist. "Thats better," I teased. The song seemed to have lasted forever, but I didn't mind one bit. Being snuggled against Anayis was nice, I would look down at her and she would look down at my chest. I wanted her to look at me. She finally looked up at me, when our eyes met that time there was........ something. Call it a moment or whatever, but it was something. I hadn't felt this way in forever. Next thing I knew my head was leaning toward hers. Our foreheads touched, our lips mere inches apart. We both started to lean into the kiss as the song ended. Our lips were about to touch until an voice broke the moment.

It was Gareth.

"Hey, Anayis, I need to talk to you," he said.

Anayis' demeanor changed. Her face fell serious, almost scared in a way. She reluctantly walked away with him, but something wasn't right. She looked back at me, as if almost to give me a hint that something was wrong. As they left the room I started my way after them. Until Jon stopped me.

"Hey man, where are you going?" Jon had his hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking away.

I shook his hand off of my shoulder, "Not now Jon!" I came off annoyed but I didnt care. I thought Anayis was in danger and all that mattered to me in that moment was to find her and make sure she was safe. I made my way out to the hallway. It was empty and quiet. I listened for any noises, suddenly I heard yelling. I ran over to the door it was coming from, the door was slightly cracked open. I peered through the opening to find Gareth's hand around Anayis' neck. My eyes grew big and I was filled with rage. I stood up to fling the door open, but again I was stopped. Jon had his hand on my shoulder again.

"Norman, what the hell are you doing?!" he whispered. I pushed Jon back and barged into the room. The sick bastard started lifting up her dress. I grabbed him from behind and through him back onto the floor. I was on top of him, I don't know but in that moment I was completely numb. All I could do was hit him over and over again. His face started to turn bloody. I picked him up and yelled right in his face. I can't remember exactly what I said to him in that moment because I was so pissed. But I know that I did threaten to kill him if he ever touched her again. I threw him back onto the floor and ran over to Anayis. She through herself into my arms, her face fell into my chest. I could feel her tears soaking into my shirt, and hear her muffled sobs. I stroked the back of her head with my bloody fist. I held her for awhile, I knew she was a broken person, I knew that this isnt the first time Gareth has done this to her.

"Come on," I spoke gently "Let's get out of here." I walked her back to her hotel room. My arm wrapped around her and her head snuggled in my chest the entire way there. When we finally arrived she opened her door and turned to me. She gave me a hug, which was unexpected and had me stumble back a tad. She broke the hug and placed a kiss on my cheek and closed the door. I stood there, touching my cheek where she had kissed me.

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