Chapter 2

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Hello everyone! I'm terribly sorry if there are some awful typos, I'm currently on a road trip. Please forgive me!

Chapter 2

You shot up in your bed, your heart beating rapidly and tears rolling off your face.

Your dream

Yukine... Yukine, where did you go? Why'd you leave?

These questions swarmed your head.


You saw a flash of blonde hair run past you, and when yoy looked to see what it was, you saw a boy with a green jacket running.


"Yukine! Yukine wait!"

Smells nice...

You spun around, only to see a giant phantom in front of you.

"Yukine... Yato..."

Your eyes welled with tears.

It opened its mouth and...

"Who the hell is Yukine?!" You wondered aloud. You shook your head. "Maybe he was just an imaginary friend from when I was a kid..."

You looked at your clock. 12:48 A.M.

"Is it really midnight...?"

You shrugged it off and went to the living room. You slipped your shoes on, grabbed a jacket, and headed out for a walk.

Yukine... Why does that name seem familiar?

Suddenly, you heard someone yell "Sekki!" in the distance.

You whipped around, seeing nothing.

Right as you were about to turn around, you saw a flash of light, and something green being split in half. "What the hell...?!"

You walked closer to it, seeing the man with raven hair again.

You rubbed your eyes and turned around. "I should go home..."

I'm sorry this one was so short! I'm not very good at getting ideas that make long chapters, but I'm working on it. Well, I guess I'll see you next update?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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