Chapter 15

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We finally find the right street. We could hear the music blasting 3 minutes ago when we were practically lost. The street is lined with cars and drunk teenagers all the way to 4 houses down from the actual house. Red cups liter the front lawn and the door is held open by high schoolers entering.

It's a mansion sized house actually. Not as big as mine in Detroit, but still pretty impressive. I notice the strobe lights flashing through the house, illuminating the streets for milliseconds at a time. Th house glows a shade of blue and the roof hold many balconies. I imagine myself falling off of one, and immediately feel disturbed by the idea.

Kris parks her 2010 Chevy on the opposite side of the street. She gathers her things and looks at me expectantly.

"This was a bad idea." I say, barely a whisper. Parties gave me weird feelings. Anything could go wrong.

"Could you just relax a little? Just don't drink anything and you will be fine." She places a hand on my arm and opens her door. I groan, but open my door and get out. The cold air hits me hard and I shiver. My attire is not appropriate for this kind of bullshiii---

My thoughts are cut short by excited sounding screams coming from the house. Oh god. This is where my reputation goes down the toilet.

I regained every last bit of confidence I had left in me and followed a wobbly walking Kris across the street and to the front door. The smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies waft passed me and I hold myself back from gagging. The strobe lights are already giving me a headache and they aren't even as strong here in the foyer. Kris grabs my hand and leads me through crowd after crowd of teenagers until we finally reach the kitchen. Red solo cups are intricately placed on the counter, filled with bright pink and blue liquids.

Don't drink anything.

I pull the bottom of my dress down and the top up, but it makes the least bit of a difference. Kris grabs a red cup of something and leans against some guy I guess she knows. He had big blue eyes and a square jaw. His hair has a streak of blue in the front, and the rest was brunette. It's the same guy from a few days ago. I saw her giggling and flirting with him. I make a mental note to ask her about him later.

I stand awkwardly for a minute before deciding to find a bathroom. I walk down a long hallway, crowded by dancing weirdos. Everyone is dressed in skimpy dresses and high heals. People sway and grind, the girls' normal length dresses scrunching up to their upper thighs . Gross.

I move passed people and find myself in a living room area. Whoever owned this place was due for a wake up call when everyone was gone and the mess was prominent. A group of freshman aged girls sit awkwardly on the white leather couch and make small talk to each other. The cups in their hands make me feel sick that 14-15 year olds are drinking alcohol like its soda. Their faces falsely light up as a group of older sophomore boys make their way over and claim seats next to them. I roll my eyes. I'm glad I never went through that stage.

Further into the living room is a Game Center type of room. It's bordered with extremely expensive looking Apple equipment and wall to wall plasma screen tv's. Senior guys crowd the room, blocking the hallway exit I needed to get to. I shoved my way into the room, muttering excuse me's and pardon me's.

Getting through the sweaty teenage guys, I'm in another hallway leading in no particular direction. The house was huge and open, but the walls were bordered and stuffed with people.

I reach a break in the crowd and find a bathroom door. Even the doors here are porcelain material, with door knockers. I reach to open the expensive door at the same time a large, manly hand reaches for the same knob. I look up to find gorgeous red/brown eyes staring back at me. His jaw line is perfectly chiseled in place and his lips form in a perfect pink smile, showing perfect white teeth. His canine's are sharp . His hair is styled in a messy blonde quiff on top of his head. A black streak reached from his roots to the tip of the style, gelled up intricately. He's almost 6'5" and towers over me , greatly. I tear my eyes away from him, just as his smile grows cocky. My cheeks flush at my stupidity and I look down at my shoes.

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