Chapter 26

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It's 10:30, and I have yet to fall asleep. Too many things are running through my mind. I count the glowing stars on my ceiling, my legs are crossed as I lay on my back. You know that sound that you hear when there's nothing else making noise? It's like a static or humming sound? Yeah that was ringing in my ears. I tried to focus on the ticking of the clock, but it got swallowed by the humming. My tears dried at least an hour ago, my breathing returned to normal shortly after that. My eyes were heavy, but my mind was wide awake.

I get up and strip of my clothing, changing into my usual spandex and tshirt. I twist my hair into a bun and tie it to itself without a hair band. I remove my contacts from my eyes and place them in the small blue container. Blindly, I cross the room, tripping over something in the middle of the floor, and turn out the light. Going back across the room, I shuffle my feet and avoid the random objects strewn across my floor.

A street light vaguely illuminates through the sheer curtains. I feel around on my bed for the edge of the covers before pulling them away and tucking myself within the barriers. I lay my head on the pillow and pull the blankets up to my chin, seeking warmth.

Today was boring, in the long run. Nothing happened and that was pretty abnormal. The only thing I was happy about was waking up to Dante.

My mind drifts to my school work; to soccer practices; back to Dante; and to the mystery of Fiona. Seriously, I couldn't figure out what her problem was. First she cheated on Michael, and now she thinks I'm going to vouch for her. Her words from the party play through my mind: "I know what he did. That's why he's gone." Maybe she was just crazy, but I did wonder who 'he' was.

A light knock on my window makes me jolt up. My heart beat quickens and I twist my attention to the window. A figure stands on the roof right outside my window. I gasp into the empty room, covering my mouth quickly.

"Lea!" A familiar muffled voice comes from the figure. I furrow my eyebrows, and shakily pull the curtain away from the window. I grab my glasses from my bedside table and quickly put them on my face. I allow my vision to adjust before finding the face of the visitor. Green eyes stare back at me, guiltily. They crouch down next my window, keeping his balance with his arms raised above him.

"Dante?" I start laughing. I quickly unlock the window and pull it open. I step back to let him come in. His large body gracefully steps through the hole and onto the floor next to my bed. He straightens up and he's suddenly standing inches away from me. I smile up at him, my glasses catching an awkward glint of light. Dante's hair is messy and his clothes radiate cold from the weather. He quickly takes his jacket off and sets it on my desk chair. He bends over to remove his boots before coming even closer to me.

"Hey, Amberlea." He grins cockily.

I roll my eyes, "I thought we agreed on tomorrow?"

"Well I couldn't wait any longer." He brings his lip ring between his teeth. Only now to I realize the deep slash across his cheek bone.

"What happened here?" I feel my expression fall as I raise my hand to his face. It's cleaned, so it won't get infected, but it's still new and exposed.

Dante places his hand over mine, stopping me from examining it any further.

"Just from work."

"At a school, you got this?" I raise an eyebrow. I don't believe him, but he nods, holding my stare. I shake my head, "That doesn't seem likely."

"Well it's what happened." His lips twitch upwards and I can feel his breath on my cheek. I look into his eyes, now, taking in the deep green color. I can't help but admire the curves of his perfect pink lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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