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Vongola mansion (Italy)

Sawada Tsunayoshi, after being Vongola Decimo A.K.A Neo Vongola Primo.
20 years old, doing his Paperwork at his office.
Almost all of his (Tsuna's) guardian making a ruckus all over the mansion making Tsuna stress a lot.

"Ciaossu!" Reborn say.

"Don't 'Ciaossu!' me!" Said Tsuna.
'Great! Now i'm gonna stress more with Reborn here!'

"Jyuudaime, i bring... uh... more paperwork." Said Gokudera.
'Jyuudaime gonna mad for sure! This many paperwork in my hand!!" Gokudera thought.

"Ugh!!" Tsuna say.
'Oh great! Just great.'

While Gokudera, Tsuna, and Reborn at Tsuna's office..
Mukuro and Hibari is fighting INSIDE the mansion and MAKE TSUNA WORK A LOT OF PAPERWORKS.

"Mukuro! Hibari-san! Stop it already!!" Tsuna yell.
'Why are they always like this?! Don't everyone know that i having a hard time doing all of this paperworks?! Learn lots of language so i can answer this paperworks.'

After that Lambo enter Tsuna's office.

"Hahaha~ Lambo-sama appear!!" Lambo say, and then twitch his own leg then cry..
"Gotta....... Stay....... Calm....... *cry*" Lambo say.

"I'm getting an headache!!!" Tsuna yell.
'For real?! Gokudera-kun is bringing me more paperworks, Mukuro and Hibari-san are fighting and almost destroy the mansion, Lambo is crying. And what more after this?!'

After that what await Tsuna is..,
Ryohei yelling 'EXTREME' everywhere.
Indeed Mukuro stop fighting and start his weird laugh 'Kufufu~' to scare all butler and maid in the mansion.

While Tsuna stress, they forgot about Lambo who is still crying, and Lambo took out a 'BAZOOKA' or should i say '10-YEAR-BAZOOKA', and Lambo with a coincidence, the bazooka hit Tsuna who is still stress and don't know about the bazooka, then after hitted Tsuna, bounced to Gokudera who COINCIDENTLY can't move from his spot and so Tsuna & Gokudera been hitted by the Bazooka.

400 years ago~ (When the Guardian of Vongola Decimo making a ruckus.)

Giotto's P.O.V

'I feel something bad will happen today..' my hyper intuition say.
I think someone uninvited will come here today.

"Maybe i just need fresh air.. I'll just go walk around at the park / forest / backyard." I say.

"Giotto.. I bring... More.. uhm.. Paperwo-- Where is He?!" G ask, and the last part of the sentence he yell.

-At Tsuna's place AFTER hitted by the Bazooka-

"Itte..." Tsuna say.

"Jyuudaime, are you okay?" Gokudera ask.

"Yeah, but where are we? How can we get here?" Tsuna ask.

"Appearently we been hitted by the 10 Year Bazooka Jyuudaime." Gokudera answer.

Then Gokudera throw a dynamit to a tree in front of him and Tsuna.


"Why did you throw that?!" Tsuna ask.

"There is someone." Gokudera said.

"Eh?" Tsuna say.

"Itte..." Said an unknown blond in front of them.

"Are you okay?" Tsuna ask.

"Yes, thank you. By the way who are you? How can you break Alaude's security system?" The blonde ask.

"Alaude? Then that mean we are at the---"

-------LINE BREAK------

"Stupid cow! Where is Dame-Tsuna and his Storm guardian go??!!" Reborn yell.

"Lambo don't know! Lambo didn't do anything wrong!!!" Lambo yell and the run.

Reborn then dashed to Gianini room.

"Ah, Reborn-san.. How can i help you?" Gianini ask.

"What did you do to Stupid Cow's bazooka?" Reborn ask with dark aura.

"It's still being repaired..." Gianini answer.
"Did someone got hit?" Gianini ask.

"Yes, my Dame Student and his Storm guardian.

"I already know where they are." Spanner say.

"And where are they?!" Reborn ask.

"Appearantly they are back at 400 Years Ago." Said Shoichi then fall because of his stomach ache.

"At Primo's year huh?" Reborn say.
'When you came back i'll sure to tor- I mean train you harder!'

"Hurry up and do something so that Dame Student of mine and his Storm guardian can come back!!" Reborn yell.

"H-hai!!!" Gianini, Spanner and Shoichi answer in unison.
'Please don't punish us... It's not our fault that the Bazooka repairment is undone! It's just because Lambo is impatient.'


-Back to Tsuna at the past-

Giotto's P.O.V

"--Past?!" Tsuna yell and then shut his mouth with his hand.

"Past? What do you mean?" I ask.

"Hm.. N-nothing.." a brunette boy answer.

"Anyway, you gotta come with me." I say.
'I wonder what this feeling is.. I think i know him.. and why did he look like me and the silver haired one is look like G?!'

"Uh, okay." The brunette one say.

"G.." I called G.

"What is it Giotto?" Ask G.

"Lock them up. We have to interogated them tomorrow." I say.

"What do you mean by lock us up?! You can't just lock Jyuuda--" The silver haired boy say.
'Tch, just because Jyuudaime stop me don't think you could lock us up!'

"Sorry for his maner." The brunette say.
'Come on! Don't do anything unneceserily! The future might change you know?!' Tsuna thought.

"It's okay." I say.

And then Gokudera and Tsuna got locked up.

Tsuna's P.O.V

"Jyuudaime, you should have let me do it." Gokudera say.
'Jyuudaime should've let me.. but i wonder why did he stop me..'

"Gokudera-kun, this is the past. If we do something that will change the past, the future will change to!" I whisper.
'Don't tell me Gokudera-kun forgot that we are at the past?!'

"So what should we do Jyuudaime?" Gokudera ask.
'Oh yeah i forgot! We are at the past!!' Gokudera thought.
'Sorry jyuudaime!! I forgot!!'

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