Chapter Two.

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My friends were practically interrogating me about what had happened with Harry. I was still a little shook up about the whole thing and I didn't really know what to make of it; so I didn't answer them until something Eleanor said really got on my nerves. 

"Lou, Stay away from him." Eleanor warned. 

"I'm not stupid, I know I should stay away." I snapped. After that, the topic of Harry Styles wasn't raised again.

I climbed out of the taxi after paying my part of the fare; my friends returned my wave as I walked up to the front door of my house. 

Once inside, I headed to straight to bed; muttering a quick "Good night" to mum before disappearing into my room. 

I reached in my back pocket, looking down at my phone as I flicked through my contacts.  As I scrolled I discovered Harry's name dotted with an 'x'. I stared a little longer contemplating whether or not to delete his number. I decided not to; It's always better to  know if a potentially dangerous guy was calling.

Tossing my phone on my bed, I quickly stripped off; tossing my clothes in the washing basket before wandering over to the chest of drawers. I swiftly pulled a white t-shirt over my head, as I sleepily hopped over to the bathroom whilst yanking up my grey sweatpants. I sluggishly flicked on the light, obtaining my toothbrush from the holder; and squirting toothpaste onto the bristles. I huffed as I opened my mouth; leaning my body against the basin as I started to clean as I tilted my head back in exhaustion. I tilted my head forward to spit, when my tooth brush fell from my parted lips; clattering into the sink beneath me. I was taken back as I caught sight of the tender patch of skin; a deep red, holding hints of purple. I ghosted the tips of my fingers over it; wincing slightly as they made contact. He'd marked me. His words echoed throughout my mind, "Your mine now." I shuddered, trying to shake of the feeling of his lips against my skin and how his tongue soothingly glided over the graze. I quickly withdrew contact, picking up my toothbrush and continued to clean my teeth, in hopes of ridding the thoughts of Harry. 

As I finished; I flicked of the lights before sinking into the covers on my bed. I rolled my head slowly to the side; noticing my phone was lit up with a new message. I picked it up; my heart racing violently as I held it in front of my face, my eyes squeezed closed as I wished for it to be anyone but Harry. I forced my eyes open, cursing my bad luck as Harry's name stared back at me. 

"Thanks for the show, Love. Should probably close your curtains before stripping off. x" 

I threw my phone back on to my bed, jolting up and over to the window. I grabbed a hold of the curtains as I peered out; my eyes focusing on a large black vehicle park on the opposite side of the road. I caught sight of harry, leaning up against the car, his arms folded in front of his chest. Fear started to consume my entirety; even in the dark I could see the arrogant smirk plastered across his face. I slammed the curtains shut; sliding my body down the wall until I hit the floor. 

I tried to convince myself that it wasn't that bad, but I couldn't fool myself. 

"What have I got myself into." 


"Lou, wake up! Your friends here!" 

I counted to ten in my head; mentally preparing myself to start the day.  I stood up with a sigh, running my hands through my hair as an attempt to make myself look slightly presentable. 

Lottie shouted again; this time louder for me to come down; making my head throb from the ammount of alcohol I consumed last night. 

"Morning, Lou! In here!" 

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