Chapter Six.

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I managed to avoid the prodding questions from my Mother about my appearance. Calling out that I was home before scrabbling up the stairs to my room where I could hide. When she asked me about the date the next morning I wasn't very forth coming with information. I didn't particularly want to discuss the evening where I escaped out a toilet window, was chased down by my "date"- could it even be labled that? Then fell into the harbour. I'm not sure she would understand seen as she had a perfect image of Harry in her head. I decided not to give it much importance.

I was looking forward to my shitty job at the music store, knowing I wouldn't bump into Harry- Although, I couldn't see how Harry would want to see me again, considering I jumped out a bathroom window to get away from him.


"Excuse me?"

"How can I help you?" I smiled to the woman in front of me.

"Yes, I was looking for the new McFly album. My daughter loves them and I wanted to get it for her Birthday."

"Alright, follow me."

I led her down the aisles of music before stopping at the "M" section. My fingers quickly flicking through the CDs before pulling out the case. I'd managed to sell alot of their album. You know, that new band that every girl seems to be in love with.

"Here you go." I smiled. "It's a brilliant album, your daughter will love it."

"Thank you!"

She reciprocated my smile before walking off to the till. My mind wandered aimlessly as I organised the music that had been misplaced. I brushed my hair to the side, ridding it from my eyes everytime I lent down. My eyes darted up as I heard someone enter the shop. The little bell rang everytime someone entered. It never really distracted me that much, that is until I saw a familair head of curls on the other side of the store.

My immediate reaction was to hide. I dropped to the floor, almost bringing down a rack of CD's with me. How did he know I worked here?

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I cursed under my breath, lowering my head to the floor in an attempt to find Harry's feet underneath the isles, and crawl to the back room without being noticed.

I bit my lip as I took my luck at crawling to the back of the shop. I knew I was being over dramatic- Harry was probably just stopping into buy something. He had no way of knowing I worked here.

I nearly reached the end of the isle when I bumped into a pair of legs.

"Louis, what are you-"

"Shhhh!" I grabbed Steve's hand, pulling my co-worker down to the floor with me. I wasn't really sure of why I did that.. More of an automatic reaction.

Steve's eyes grew wide in concern, silently chuckling as he pushed himself up.. Mouthing an 'Okay' in my direction before wandering over to assist a couple.

My speed increased as I gradually neared my escape. A gasp was released from my lips as a pair of white converse stepped in front of me. My eyes hesitantly grazed up his long legs before I was met by sparkly green orbs. Fuck, had he always been this tall? He grinned down at me, his deep dimples becoming prominent.

"Hi, Lou."

Harry gripped my arms before hauling me to my feet. I shied away from his touch, long fingers brushing my hair from my face.

"What were you doing on the floor?" He smirked.

"I-I dropped something."

"Of course." He chuckled, with an ironic tone. It was clear he didn't believe my lie. I was glad we were in a public place, that way Harry was forced to be a little more constrained. However, I knew that sort of thing didn't really bother him, my mind instantly thinking back to his forward actions in the restaurant.

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