The map?

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Adriana pov
Sitting in the office  of one of the people I trust most as I read the letter that my husband sent to me asking when I was coming home. We've know each other for years-as children he and my brother was best friends! Doubt that they even remember. But we was in a arranged marriage. And luckily we both love each other a lot. Yes my loving parents who died when I was very young set their daughter up.  My father was a medjai himself but was American just like Rick.

I smiled at the letter. It hasn't even been a week since I've been gone and he already wants me back at home. "Adriana you said you'll help me do a few things. Do you think you can stop smiling and do so?" Terrence asked as he took the letter out of my hand. " can I help you?" I asked smiling softly up at him. Terrence glanced at me after he read the letter. "Well first tell the poor man to stop being love struck and focus on his duties! He knows you'll be back in a week. Second can you go put the artifacts back in its cases?" Terrence asked. I got up and put on some latex gloves before going to gently grabbing the artifacts.

Making my way to the dimly lit  museums. I began to put the delicate treasure back into their cases. By the time I'm done I can hear Terrence yelling at Evie. "Oh dear what did you do?" I pondered as I made my way to the library.
Book shelves and books were on the floor.
"What happened here?" I asked shocked as I took of my gloves. "This hopeless woman has destroyed my library!" Terrence huffed as he glared at Evie. Evie who had started to pick up books had a hurtful look cross her features.
"Now Terrence...that's not how you speak to or about a woman." I scowled him. I went to go pick up books my self as Terrence left.
Glancing over at Evie to find her already looking at me. Between the silence we started laughing.
"How did you do this?" I asked her. She looked down sheepishly. "I was trying to put the book on the right shelf but end up falling with everything following." She explained. I laughed again before a noise stopped me. "Did you hear that?" I asked standing up. Smoothing out my skirt I walked over the books to get to where the noise is coming from. "Are you coming Evie ?" I asked glancing behide me. Evie got up and followed me.
We walked towards the back where the sounds got louder. Evie started to call out the names of the workers she believed was back there.
"Evie didn't they go out for lunch?" I asked her.
"They did?" She asked. I nodded as she grabbed a torch. We walked further towards the back when we came upon a sarcophagus that wasn't supposed to be open. "Ahhh!" Me and Evie screeched. Jonathan popped out laughing. I glared at him. "Why John why do you have to be such an idiot?" I asked.
"Don't you have any respect for the dead?" Evie asked him.
Jonathan smiled "why of course I do. But sometimes I wish I could join them." He said drunkenly. "I could help you in that department." I mumbled.
"Well I wish you do it now rather then later before you ruin my career the way you've ruin yours!" Evie snapped at him as she helped him out the sarcophagus. "My dear sweet baby sister I'll have you know that at this moment  my career is on a high note!" Jonathan  said proudly. He sat at the edge of the tomb. I sat down in a near by chair. "Please I'm not in the mood....I've made a bit of a mess in the library and Bembridge scholars have rejected my application form again." Evie sighed. They always reject her form. I thought as I looked at her sad form. "You'll always have me old mum." Jonathan  said trying to cheerier up. "And me too Evie." I added with a smile. "I have something to show to you!" Jonathan announced pulling something out of his pocket.  I glanced to see what it was knowing Jonathan  it was probably something worthless. "Oh no! Not another one of your worthless trinkets Jonathan. If I bring one more piece of junk to the curator to try and sell for you-" Evie stopped when she got a good look at what Jonathan had. I gasped when I seen it. "Where didn't you get this?" I asked before Evie could. Jonathan had a guilty look in his eye. "Um in a dig... Down in Thebes!" He said. I could tell he was lying.
Evie took it out of his hands as Jonathan  said. "My whole life I've never found anything. Evie,Adriana tell me I found something?" Jonathan asked. "I can't believe this John. This could be priceless!" I breathed. Evie clicked something on the small box and a map was inside it. "What? What is it?" I asked moving towards Evie. My eyes scanned the old thing. "Jonathan I think you found something!" Evie said.

Evelyn pov.
"You see the cartouche there. It's the royal seal of Seti the first. I'm sure of it!" I said proudly at my skills.  The curator looked over the map as did Adriana who was fascinated with it. "Perhaps." The curator said looking over at me. "Perhaps Terrence this looks 100%." Adriana cut in. The curator gave Adri and scowling look before looking back at us.
"Two questions: who the hell is Seti the first and was he rich?" Jonathan asked. Adriana looked at him shocked. "He was pharaoh of the old kingdom one of the wealthiest!" Adriana stated. Her knowledge of the Ancient times is remarkable for her young age of 20.
"Alright. Good. That's  good.  I like this fellow. I like him very much." Jonathan said rubbing his greedy little hands.
I rolled my eyes at him. "I've already dated it. This map is almost 4 thousand years old. And the hieratics over there..." I said taking a little breather. "It's Humunaptra." I said eyeing everyone's reaction. The curator looks like he didn't believe me. Adriana looks up at me with wonder. And Jonathan looks like he was in it only for the money. "My dear girl, don't be ridiculous, we are scholars, not treasure hunters. Hamunaptra is a myth." The curator explained. "The city of the dead is far from a myth." Adriana stated. The curator glared at her. Adriana eyes flickered over to him. "How would you know your just as foolish." The curator hissed at her. "I had a dream about it believe me or not but I was the youngest daughter of Seti the first Omorose  and Evie was Nefertiri. Imhotep was buried in the city of the dead-." "Foolish! You are much smarter then that Adriana." The curator snapped at her. "Terrence it's the truth. These dreams hunts me every few nights and there's no-" I stared shock as Adriana's head snapped to the left. I can't believe that the curator slapped her. "Your dreams are nothing but foolishness that women like you dream about for your own fantasies." Dr.Bey hissed. Adriana turned her head back and her beautiful face held no emotion. "What are you trying to say when you said women like me?" Adriana questioned as she glared at the curator. Dr.bey didn't answer or look over at her.

"That's preposterous." The curator told us. "Oh no." He said accidentally bring the map to the fire. I wasn't sure if it was an accident though. "You burned it! You've burned of the part with the lost city." Jonathan cried as me and him puts it out. "It's for the best, I'm sure. Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra, no one has ever found it, most have never returned." Dr.Bey said getting up and walking out of the room.

"Are you alright sunshine?" Jonathan asked Adriana once he seen that the curator was out of sight. "I'm fine! Not the first time I've been slapped." Adriana said smiling over at us. Her smile dropped as we just stared at her. "You guys believe don't you?" She asked with a hopeless look in her eyes. "Of course you have no reason to lie." I told her. She glanced over at Jonathan. "You've never been that wrong why not trust your words." He said giving her a smile. "You might want to put some ice on that it looks kinda swollen." I told her touching it lightly. She hissed and flinched from the touch. This got me angry. "He had no right hitting you." I told her. "He didn't..." Adriana agreed.

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