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Adrianna pov

It was cold. So cold as we walked through the desert and having wet clingy thin clothes didn't help at all. So many lives have bee wasted for no reason at all. "Rick where are we even going?" I asked as we continued to walk through the night. I was tired and hungry. "It should be a village around here somewhere." Rick said glancing over to me.
"Are you alright?" He asked pulling me into a warm hug. "Rick I'm cold tired and Hungry just like everyone else." I told him looking ever at them.
"I know I know we will be there when the sun is up." He told me.

When morning came we walked in the village weakly.
"I'm going to go buy camels." Jonathan said. I handed Rick my bag as he went to go follow Jonathan. "Oh my dear child! Adrianna,what happened to you?" I heard Lana asked before a blanket was thrown over me. Lana was the mother of Ardeth. Very kind women. "I was on small ship till it was burned down and the only way off was to jump in the water." I told her as she lead me to a ship.
"You were on that ship! Oh how the council wasn't happy at all that those warriors didn't bring back the key and my son was furious when they didn't bring you back and hell broke loose when he learned that they burned down that ship. We are blessed that your alright now. She said going to get new clothes for me. "Go wash up while I go get you fresh clothes." She ordered. Soon Evie walked in with two women. "I'm so sorry I'll just wait-" "Evie everything that you have I have too we are the same gender after all. Besides its nothing you never seen before." I told her as I continued to scrub at my body. "All that is true but you have much more and some that I don't have." Evie said lowly but I still heard her.

Soon Lana walked in with fresh clothes.
She laid them out. "There don't forget to put the oil on don't want that pretty skin to dry out." She said before walking out to do something. I rubbed the oil into my olive tanned skin before putting on my bra and panties. "I need a toothbrush." I said to my self. "Oh here you go." One of the women said in Arabic giving me a new toothbrush and toothpaste. I smiled at her. "Thank you."
I told her. When I was done brushing my teeth I put on the long sleeve black dress that a slit on the right side that almost reached my thigh. A thin robe with gold symbols and designs on them. I even wore the veil that covered my hair and the bottom of my face that had gold trimming on the edge.
"Wow you look wonderful Adrianna." Evie said dressed in a black dress a plain veil that only had the trimmings of old. He hair was down and she had a huge smile on her face. "My brother is going to be speechless." I said walking out of the tent with her following along.

I spotted our brothers near 4 camels. "We could've gotten them for free all we had to do was given them your sister." Rick said. I rolled my eyes. "We could've gotten horses if we gave them Adrianna." Jonathan said pointing to me. The one that sold them the camels looked over when he heard my name. "No you wouldn't not with her married to-" "who? Tell me." Rick said looking over to the man. "The Chief of the 12 tribes of The Medjai." The man answered. Rick looks confused. "You Americans call the crazy desert people! They are all dressed in black rides horses some was sent to stop a boat at the Nile-" "your married to their leader? They almost killed us -you! He spend those men to kill everyone!" Rick yelled making everyone look over at us. "Rick calm down!" I said. Rick was beyond furious. "Your definitely not staying here Adrianna who knows maybe be you were lying to me when you said it wasn't him that hit you." Rick said picking me up and putting me on the camel before getting on himself. "I wasn't lying Rick." I said. He ignored me as he lead the group out of the village.

When it was turning night I slowly fell asleep against Rick and cuddled a blanket that he bought.

No ones pov

The only ones awake was Rick, Jonathan and the warriors that was watching from a cliff. Adrianna was the first to sleep Evie second and then the filthy warden who was snoring loudly till Jonathan smacked his face with a whip. It was quite till Rick heard the Neighing of horses. Rick tighten his grip on his sleeping sister before he turned around to look up at the cliff.
All in a line on top of their courses he seen the men dressed in black robes starring down at them. One of them being the man Rick now despise most in life . His little sisters husband.
Adreth Bay.
The Medjai leader was glaring down at them.
These could be the ones who bring the creature back. Bring danger to everyone! And Adrianna was with them! He thought as he caught sight of Adrianna. His glare turned murderous when he seen her sleeping in the unknown mans arms. Sure he was informed that the man was her brother but her brother could be bad news. Yelling a order that they will attack tomorrow night they all left back to their village.
Rick turned back to see they were all gone.
Sighing in some what relief till he felt Adrianna stir in her sleep before speaking in a language he did not Know. It wasn't Arabic or any other language he knew people spoke here. "Imhotep how could you! You killed my father and Nefertiri has fallen and died as well!" She cried in ancient Egyptian.
"She's speaking ancient Egyptian." Jonathan told him when he seen the confusion on Rick's face. "What did she say?" Rick asked casting a look down at his sister. "Well if I'm right she said'Imhotep how could you! You killed my father and Nefertiri has fallen and died as well!" Jonathan said yawning.
Rick starred down at Adrianna a little more before he looked up at the night sky.

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