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        Man-this is a long fat review- almost a novel in fact. I did a past review on this app, but a lot has changed and I am a lot more active than I used to be.
When I first discovered Line play's intentions, I became very inactive on my Line Play account, but soon enough I discovered that if Line play didn't have people paying for cash and gems, it would end up like kawaii pet megu. I still miss KPM till this day, and never do I want the same thing to happen to Line play.

As for you, I can't persuade you to download or not to download Line Play. Some popular youtubers have been playing Line Play, But it's ultimately up to you.

           But if you do want to play this game, enter in my invitation code (or not) because I'm at 520 gems from gatcha-ing at the sugar sherbet gatcha and I got so many couches.....
Also you'll get bonus gems too.

Invitation code: KR-0624-5901

I'll see you there.

AN IDIOT'S GUIDE TO LINE PLAY: a reviewWhere stories live. Discover now