Chapter 2 : "My ass"

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"What the hell do you want?" she spoke irritatedly as she turned to look at me, her medium length blonde hair flipped over her shoulder and she settled her complex eyes on me. Her eyes were rimmed in deep blue that faded into a light blue, then into a gray and then a light shade of green that had an ombre effect into a deep green around the pupil. Her eyes held a mystery behind them, but currently stared at me with an annoyed look. My eyes traveled down to her lips, they weren't large, but they weren't small either, they were a perfect size and shape and the right shade of pink. "Did you seriously just check me out?" she snapped me out of my thoughts, and my eyes back to hers.
I smirked. "Well it'd be a shame not to have admired your perfectly sculpted facial features." I clicked my tongue and she raised an eyebrow at me.
"Okay, you conceited jerk. If you think I'm that hot, then you would've bothered to learn my name at some point right?" she asked, sarcasm dripping from her tone, clearly implying that I've been an ass to just start hitting on her instead of asking her name.
"Oh Marah, how funny you-" she cut me off by chuckling rudely, clearly indicating that her name is not Marah.
"Marah? Where the hell did you come up with that, Mr. Hot Shot?" she crossed her arms over her chest, causing my eyes to mindlessly travel to the newly revealed cleavage. "Hey asshole," she snapped her fingers, "eyes up her." and then she pointed at her eyes.
"You do know who I am right?" I asked, knowing that I'm being a complete asshole right now, just to pull her leg.
"Yeah," she scoffed "you're that football player, Eric, right?" she smirked.
Damn, she looks hot when she smirks.
Snap out of it Cagan! Get a grip!
I chuckled. "No sweetheart. I'm the man of your dreams." I scoffed sarcastically at the same time she did.
"Oh yes, because the man of my dreams is an arrogant asshole who lives off his mothers money and does nothing but go to parties and get laid." she took a breath, "and does nothing for himself."
None of what she just said is true, but I can see why she thinks so, I've been an ass for the past five minutes, so clearly I'm in no place to defend myself. To her I'm an arrogant asshole with a brand new car, expensive clothes, and no job. Yeah I go to parties, but I always leave alone.
I dropped my smirk and spoke quietly. "My mother's dead." then I turned in my seat to face the front as the bell rang and Mrs. Brown started the class.
"Ok class today we are watching a video because we have a new student joining us," Mrs. Brown gestured to Scottie in the first row. "Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"
Scottie gave a slight wave to the room. "I'm Scottie, but most of you know me from elementary school. I'm back." then he sat down and Mrs. Brown turned off the lights and on the projector.
"No notes, but I expect you all to pay attention." then she hit play and the video started.
For the rest of the block, we watched the video and learned about the different parts of the brain and how they work as an introduction for the next lesson on sensation and perception. When the bell rang, the whole class moved in one motion, standing up and heading towards the exit as Mrs. Brown turned on the lights, but before I made it to the hallway, though, I felt a feminine hand on my forearm and when I looked down and saw her fingernails painted with black nail polish and wearing a nude watch on her wrist, when I looked up I saw "not Marah".
"Hey, I'm sorry about everything I said. That is so out of character for me, and I know there is not excuse for what I said, but I really do want you to know that I am sorry, for what I said." she paused. "and about your mother." she spoke then she looked down to the ground.
I grabbed her chin and pushed it so that she had to look up at me with her mesmerizing eyes. "It's okay, Kyhra." I emphasized her name and her eyebrows shot up.
Yes, I have seen her around school the past few years, she's always caught my eye because she isn't popular but she has a lot of friends because she's nice, and she is gorgeous. Plus, she is in all of my A schedule classes and two of my B schedule classes.
"How did you..." she looked confused as her eyebrows furrowed together and my hand dropped from her chin. She looked so adorable.
Damn it Cagan, stop it!
"You were doodling your name on a piece of paper during the video." I chuckled, playing off the reason I knew her name, then turned and headed to Calculus before she could say anything else.


The rest of the school day was really boring and uneventful. I found out that on an A schedule day, Scottie had three classes with me, and Kyhra avoided me like the plague the rest of the day.
"Cagan!" Eric voice shouted from my right. "Hey, we're going bowling, you wanna come with?" he asked when he caught up to me.
"Yeah sure." I said while getting into my truck. "Meet y'all at Lane's Alley in twenty?" I asked and he nodded his head, then he hit my side door twice and then turned and jogged over to a group of about twenty-five people.
I pulled out of the parking spot and was headed to Subway when I saw a blonde girl wearing black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt walking down the sidewalk, so I pulled over into the bike lane and slowed down to match her pace.
"Need a ride, Kyhra?" I asked her, then her head whipped around and when she saw me she scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"As if."
"Just get in. I'm going to Subway and then bowling, and you're coming." I stated bluntly as I looked at her expectantly.
"And why would I want to go with you?" she asked crossing her arms.
"Because I'm amazing." I smirked at her then when she stopped walking I hit the brakes and waited for her to get in.
"Fine, but only because I'm hungry and haven't been bowling since the fourth grade field trip." she grumbled as she opened the passenger door and hopped in my truck.
Only because you're hungry my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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