Chapter 1 - Mourning

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         After reforming, Pearl let her surroundings sink in. Gem shards, discarded weapons, and craters decorated the field in front of her. The sky was darkened with smoke from the small fires that dotted the landscape. Pearl spotted Rose Quartz and dashed towards her.

         "Rose, are you alright?" Pearl pried feverishly. As she wiped tears from her eyes, Rose looked up at Pearl with a pleaing look. "Was it worth it?" Rose asked, tears once cascading down her cheeks. Pearl stood there before Rose in silence, for what words could comfort anyone at this point in time?

         Pearl planted herself next to Rose Quartz, wrapping her scrawny arms around her. "We won, and that's what counts." Rose embraces Pearl, both of them weeping. Garnet hadn't budged from her perch on a small boulder, and honestly, no one wished to disturb her.

         They had feared this battle would make her split apart, the pain of losing friends and killing other enemy gems might have been too mentally strenuous on Ruby and Sapphire. Yet Garnet sat there in silence, in tact, looking over the desolate field below her.

         Although they had driven Homeworld out of Earth and shut down Kindergarten, they had lost many allies and had been forced to go head to head with former allies. So in the end, they never truly won.


         Pearl woke up with a start, panting loudly and visibly shaking. Water trickles down her face, blending in with the tears forming in her eyes. "This is why I hate sleeping." Pearl groans. She wipes away her tears and starts her trek to the Main Chamber of the temple. Hopefully he wasn't still there, she didn't have the strength to deal with him yet.

         When the door leading to the chamber opened, there sat Garnet, holding him in her arms, facing the opening of the chamber leading to the ocean. She was singing a soft lullaby, a song Rose used to sing when we were feeling down. Pearl stood in the doorway, trying to build up the courage to step into the room.

         Once she took a step in, hate and anger flooded her every nerve. Pearl stood still, looking helplessly at the bundle in Garnet's arms. Steven, only a few weeks old, slept happily in his square mom's arms. Pearl inched her way towards Garnet, yielding at any sudden noise. She had to try and accept things as they were, try to understand the situation. But how could she?

         The love of Pearl's life, Rose Quartz, was gone. Rose had sacrificed her body to create a half human son with her boyfriend, Greg Universe. Pearl's best friend and love of her life for over eight thousand years was gone, and all that was left of her was Steven.

         Garnet stopped singing and peers over at Pearl, who was sulking only a few feet away. "He just fell asleep, the sound of the waves tends to soothe him." Garnet whispers. Pearl takes a few more steps towards him, anger turning into guilt. "I'm sure your singing was the thing that truly calmed him down." Pearl laughs half heartedly. She finally plants herself next to him.

         All feelings were lost, only a small hint of monotonous fear lingered in Pearl's mind. Garnet looks at Pearl and grins slightly, tilting Steven towards her. "You can hold him if you're ready." Garnet breathes. Pearl gasps softly, having not the chance to hold him yet.

         As soon as Rose dissapeared, Pearl had hardly even looked in his general direction. Pearl gingerly holds out her arms, shaking slightly. Garnet gently hands over Steven. Pearl takes him into her arms. Garnet sits there in caution, preparing for Pearl to have a meltdown. But no, Pearl only sat in awe of the small bundle in her arms.

         A sleepy baby boy, of whom she had sworn to Rose that she would take care of. Pearl smooths Steven's little brown curls, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't know if she was overwhelmed with happiness or sadness, yet tears fell silently down her cheeks. She holds him closer to her chest, and whispers, "I'll protect him, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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