Oh shit..

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Note-chapter might suck ass,lmao fr....

Chloe pov»

Charles been coo on a nigga ever since the skating ring.Its been Four days and every time I try and talk to him and just blow me off and act like he got other stuff to do.

Itry to tell him it wasn't my fault! He kissed me! But Charles stubborn ass hell. Probably won't ever talk to me again.

I walked downstairs and turned on the TV. I pulled out my phone and went to twitter, looking at Charles page, I started laughing. He soo petty.

@CharlesOffset: Hoe's ain't loyal.

@CharlesOffset: Soon as you think you know somebody,they fuck it up,Ionn trust nobody no more.

@CharlesOffset: Fuck it,

I started to scroll up to his recent tweets, and I seen one that caught my eye.

@CharlesOffset: Love you@TaylorWinning

I looked at the date and he posted two days ago.Not to be rude or nothing but who the fuck is this bitch.?

I clicked on her page, and I gotta admit, she was a pretty ass brown skin.Like damn she killing hoe's. But still.? Who is she.?

Just then Charles came in with a smirk on his face.

"Charles you gotta girlfriend.?"I asked. Knowing he was probably gon deny it I started to go back to his page to find the tweet.

"Yep,"he said sitting down.

I felt like my heart was about to break."What the hell!"I said starting to get angry.

He shrugged his shoulders. "You wanna go be with jaquan, kissing him and shit so go be with his ass"he said turning the TV on.

"Charles he kissed me!I keep trynna tell you but you not listening!"I yelled.

"Whatever mane, ionn even care no more. Pluse you my cousin, we couldn't date if we wanted to"he's said still facing the TV.

I felt a tear run down my cheek"You know what you right, you right. Guess imma just start fucking with jaquan"I said sending him a text asking if he wanna hang out.

I could see his jaw clenched and he gripped his phone tighter."go be with him den" I starred at him and left the house slamming the down, ionn give AF no more.


She left the house and I sat their starring at the screen, this annoying girl kept blowing my shit up, and ionn even like her like that. I mean she fine as hell but chloe already got my heart. But that don't mean imma let her fuck me over.

I got up and walked to my mamma room.

She sat their reading the bible."you and chloe get into a fight.?"she asked.

"Yea"I scratched my neck.

"About what?"she asked closing her book.

"Thinking of a quick lie."umm, she mad cause,I like her friend a lot, I really do. But she hurt me, so to get back at her. I'm dating another girl,and she think that I'm doing to much, ig?"I said looking away.

"Well what's the girls name.?do I know her?"

'Yea it's chloe' I said in my head.

"Jasmine"I said quickly not being able to think of any body else.

"Ohh jasmine? She a pretty girl."she said

"So, can you help me?"I asked looking down.

She didn't say anything."like give me some advice or some shit.?"I said but quickly slapping my mouth.

"Boy don't you be cusiing in hea"she said glaring at me.

"My bad mamma"I said"but you got some ideas.?"

She sat their looking down before her face lightened up.

"Why don't you invite jasmine over for dinner and work things out"

I shouldn't have even told her."mamma ionn think-"

"Oh common I know she gon wanna come, just tell her I'm making my famous pizza, and have chloe asked her instead"she said clapping her hands.

"This is gonna be perfect for you! Do you think chloe would like the idea.?"she asked

"No"I said

She scoffed"whatevr baby, I know that your probably scared but come on what Tue worst that's could happen?"she asked.

'You find out the one I really like is chloe'i said in my head.

I shrugged my shoulders, "ionn know I just dont feel right for some reason"

"Baby that cause you nervous, you want me to help you or not.?"


"Well I am anyway, now call chloe and tell her the plan"she said and I just sat their and starred at her.

"So that means start getting ready,remember baby...everythings gonna be alright. If she really loves you,y'all well move past this"she said kissing my cheek and leaving the room

"Fuck"I said palming myself.
Ain't posted in a while,cause I was kinda lost on where I should take this part.

Whatever doe,
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