Chapter 5

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The rest of Steven's day had gone by with nothing in particular on his mind, packing his stuff up for the day he walked out of class when the bell rang. When he arrived at his locker, he grabbed what he needed for tonight and kept everything else in his locker. He strode silently outside, stopping at the side of the main building to check his phone. He sent a quick message to his mother, notifying her that he'd be home late.

"Hmm, who're you texting?" Kevin asked from over Steven's shoulder.

Steven immediately jumped forwards, turning around to face the other, noticing Kevin's huge smirk planted on his face.

"Kevin, geez, you scared me!" Steven stammered, clutching his phone close to his chest. Kevin laughed lightly at his reaction, Steven becoming slightly flustered before sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"You ready to go then?" Kevin asked, taking a step closer to Steven.

"Uh, yeah, you lead the way" Steven smiled, swinging his bag over his shoulders.

They walked home in unison, small conversations being exchanged between the two until they arrived at Kevin's house.

As they walked up to the front door, Steven fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt, feeling slightly nervous for reasons unknown to him. Kevin opened the door, stepping in and holding it open for Steven before they were both greeted by Kevin's mother.

"Oh, I didn't know you were bringing home a friend, Kevin" the woman smiled, bending down slightly to meet Steven's height. She was quite a tall woman, which Steven figured was how Kevin got his height. She reminded him a lot of his own mother, bubbly and kind personality.

"I'm sorry, I'm Steven ma'am. I uh, came over to work on a project with your son. I won't be a bother, I promise" Steven assured her, fidgeting with his shirt once more.

The woman stood up straight once more, laughing slightly at Steven's response. "Well aren't you adorable, you don't have to be so formal with me, you can just call me Kath and you're welcome to help yourself to anything" she smiled once more before walking back down the hall towards the living room.

Kevin groaned once she was out of their sight, "I knew she'd make a big deal out of you" he shook his head before facing Steven again.

"Huh?" was Steven's only response, looking up at him with his eyebrow raised.

"Never mind, you ready to head upstairs?" Kevin suggested, taking a few steps closer towards the stairs.

"Uh, yeah, let's go" Steven answered, heading up the stairs behind Kevin until they both reached his room.

Steven slipped off his shoes and placed them next to his bag, looking around the room as he did so, immediately noticing a computer, various consoles and games.

"You have a nice room, Kevin" Steven marvelled, walking over towards Kevin's computer.

"Huh, it's pretty standard, or at least how I see it, maybe when we're not doing school stuff we can play games together or something" Kevin smiled, dropping his bag to the centre of the room "You can take the bed if you want."

Steven walked over to the bed, his notebook and pen in hand, taking a seat on the edge and waiting for Kevin to sit at his desk.


Steven was lying on the bed, face down in the covers, still contemplating ideas.

"This shouldn't be that difficult, I mean, we've been sitting here for 4 hours and we've still got nothing..." Kevin sighed, leaning back in his chair.

Steven suddenly sat up from the bed, with a huge smirk planted on his face.

Kevin looked over at him, not sure where Steven got the sudden energy from.

"Nukes!" Steven beamed, looking over at Kevin for his reaction.

"...Nukes?" Kevin asked, raising his eyebrow at the other.

"Yeah nukes! We could do our assignment on them! It'll be easy! I know a lot about them so we'll be able to finish the assignment no problem!" Steven explained, bouncing slightly on the bed.

"Uh... would we be able to do it? I mean, Mrs Stewart said not to do anything too ridiculous..." Kevin asked, looking down at his notebook, revising his own ideas.

"What'd you mean? What's so ridiculous about a little nuke?" Steven questioned, smiling over at Kevin.

Kevin raised his brow at the other, not sure if he was completely serious or not. After a few moments he gave up trying to figure out Steven's motives and just agreed with him, "Sure I guess, we've been working too long on ideas anyway, I'll head downstairs and bring us up some drinks before we pack up, alright?" Kevin asked, stepping up from the chair and heading for the door.

"Yes!" Steven rejoiced, throwing his book to the side and relaxing back on the bed.

Kevin headed downstairs, going into the kitchen and taking out 2 cans of Pepsi Max, for both him and Steven. He took a quick detour to the living room, reminding his mother that he was done with his school work before heading back to his room.

"I got us both some dri-" Kevin stopped himself from finishing, noticing Steven asleep on his bed.

Kevin let a small smile form upon his lips, taking in the sight before him. He walked over to his desk, placing the two cans down before heading over to Steven.

His smile only grew bigger. He reached over to the end of the bed and pulled some sheets over Steven's sleeping body. He didn't want to wake him up and force him to go home, so he hoped he wouldn't mind spending the night.

"Goodnight Steven" he whispered, heading back over to his computer and spending a few hours online before he went to sleep on the small two seat couch he had in his room.


Ah man, it's so difficult to write cute ideas, and I have a lot involving these two.

I was suppose to take a break yesterday, but instead I started working on this and finished the rest today. Next chapter will be out in 2 days because Cry's stream is tomorrow, yes.

I hoped you enjoyed this and leave all that good stuff that shows your appreciation!

Take care.

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