Beaufort, South Carolina, Where The Hell Is That??

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The Cheeky Bad Boy And Me By Lennon James

Chapter 1

I'm a fantastic wreck, Wrecking everyone around me, I'm a fantastic wreck.

And if I'm a little bit deranged would you not, estrange me, or change me.

And if I can write your name can I be, angry and nasty.

And if nothing else can change me, and I am just this way then, would you love me?

- I'm a Fantastic Wreck by Montaigne

As Arctic Monkeys blasted through my cars speakers, I watched as the trees travelled past as I drove into the small town of Beaufort, South Carolina. Why we are in Beaufort, South Carolina? The answer is my parents had a wake up call after an accident, or so I think they did and decided to ship all of us out here. My family consists of my mother, Katherine, my father, Samuel, then there are my sisters and I. Willow is the youngest of the group but only by two minutes, first is me, then Alexandra and yes, we are triplets. We moved from New York which had all of Alex and Will's friends, and mine - well I had none. I was more of a loner and I liked it that way.

That was until the incident happened but now we moved here. My sisters and I have our own cars from our parents because they didn't want us to get into an accident, at that time we thought maybe they actually cared for us but boy were we wrong. Anyway, my car is my prize possession, it is a beautiful black Land Rover truck. That and my record collection, but none of that stuff matters in the end because they were just presents from my parents for not being there on our past birthdays.

When all of our cars arrived at the house, my parents were the first ones walking to the door, while my sisters and I met up outside my car. I'll give my mother credit for one thing and that is for finding this magnificent house. The house is massive and and all white with pillars on both levels. It has stairs in the middle that lead up to the porch and the red front door with brick and metal fence around the whole house.

"Gus, tell me again why we had to move?" Alex asked me in her innocent voice. Innocent my ass. I rammed my elbow in her ribs and subtlety moved my eyes over to Will, who had her eyes adverted to the ground, feeling uncomfortable. Alex's eyes widened and quickly covered her mistake by saying, "Wait I remember, it's because they want to make all of our lives hell, hey Will?"

Willow's face lit up at the prospect of talking about our parents behind their backs, even though it isn't that hard seeing as they are never here. "Totally, they probably aren't even going to stay here a week without leaving on a 'business' trip," Will said in a fake posh voice. We all broke out in fits of laughter, when our parents come outside ordering us to come in and pick ours rooms and unpack. We sobered up and started bring boxes inside to pick out of rooms, for however long it is this time. When we got inside Alex and Will raced each other up the stairs to get the best room but I just walked slowly and picked the last room left. As I reached the top of the stairs Will was coming out of a room I assume she is claiming as hers. While Alex is nailing a purple 'A' to the door to her room. There were five doors left, four with a piece of paper labelled 'Guest Rooms', so I guessed the last door down the end of the hallway is my room. I opened the door and their were a case of five stairs leading up into a big room that could be classed as a small apartment.

It has a couple of black walls - mostly white - a white king size bed frame with a mattress. Above the bed are white shelves, theres a triangle box bookcase across the room with a white dress right beside it. I started unpacking my boxes that were sent up to my room and firstly plugged in my amps and placed my guitars beside it. Then I pulled my record player out of the box and ripped the bubble wrap off of it and plugged it in and started listening to an album of the Beastie Boys. I set up my black doona cover and sheets along with setting up all my computers and charging docks.

As I looked around my room I realised it really needed to be more me but I had done enough unpacking today and looked at the clock.

"Shit," I cuss as I look at the time. It's seven at night and I haven't eaten all day. I head downstairs where I see Alex and Will fighting over who has to make dinner. "Guys, chill. I'll make dinner." Now what do we have in this house that is edible. Nothing, but of course there is nothing we only moved into the house nine hours ago. "Alright guys there is no food, anywhere, so lets eat out for dinner. I'll drive, it's on mum and dad." I stated as I took the cash that was on the kitchen bench.

My sister started fighting over who called shotgun first and of course Alex is taller and was able to get to the passenger side of the car before Will could. That didn't stop Willow from murmuring profanities under her breath about Alex.

I jumped in the car and started the engine only to have Alex start messing with my radio. "Oww, what the fuck was that for?" Alex yelled, holding the hand I had just slapped.

"House rules, Alex, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cakehole." I smiled smugly.

"Did you really just quote Supernatural to me, Gus?" Alex says annoyed.

"You bet I did. And because I feel like it's appropriate, I am going to put on ACDC." I smirk to myself as I know the only thing my sisters can agree on is music.

"Shut it off, Gus!" I laugh at their identical response. With that we drove off to the shops to pick up food before we have to get ready for school tomorrow. Yay.

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