It all started when ....

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As Sebastian comes to wake me.. For I a meeting with a girl named Minx who wishes to be my maid. I let out a slight moan and stretch. I sit up and look at Sebastian "Sebastian make me breakfast and tea please I'm starving."
"Yes my lord I'll have it done here soon."
I get out of bed and Sebastian takes my cloths off and helps me get dressed. A few minutes later Sebastian brings me my food he leans close to give it to me. What is it that I'm feeling my heart is beating faster im starting to sweet. As I'm thinking to my self Sebastian leans in and almost kisses me. I slightly blush not notice able, but then he has the guts to kiss my cheek like whyyy. I turn red and he giggles. "Do you have a fever my young lord?"
"No Sebastian!" I wounder if that was to harsh hmm ... "Ok my lord shall we go meet this Minx girl now?"
"Yes Sebastian lets." So me and Sebastian go to meet this girl. "Hello my young lady."
"Hello Ciel how is your day going."
"Its going just fine now shall we get down to business. Sebastian go get us some tea."
"Yes my young lord." As Sebastian get us tea I begin to talk to Minx about what she would need to do in order to live here and be my maid more like a help.
"You'll need to do everything I say no complaining and you must do what I order right away.You will not be my maid,but help is all for I already have a maid. Do you understand Minx. "
"Yes, I do understand and yes I agree to the terms." Sebastian brought us tea along time ago and I dismissed him to take care of Pluto. Sebastian baths, feeds, and walks him. He later comes back into the room where me and Minx are talking.
"Young lord is there anything you need."
"Yes, actually will you show Minx where she will be staying at and will you go make up her bed."
"Yes my lord. Follow me Minx."
"Yes, of course thanks you ciel."
"Yes yes, now goodbye." So once Sebastian takes Minx to her room I go outside to think about what happend this morning. ( what what was I feeling what where those feelings what happend whats going on doo doo I ??? Have feelings for no I couldn't ......... or could I ...???¿¿¿¡) Sebastian then later comes outside to check on me.
"Is everything all right Young lord?"
"Yes, Sebastian everything is just fine."
"Are you sure young lord?" As he says that he comes closer to me so close I can feel the warmth of his breath. A turn red and quickly face the other way to calm my self down but......

Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now