Chapter 6

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LOVE, is just a simple word but meaningful.
Hope you enjoy this chaptie.  ........................'
"Author's Pov"

Samantha woke up and it's already 8:00 in the morning she walk towards where the bathroom is and do her daily routine. I don't have classes to attend today. 
Bored!.  She yelled. 
Whaaa!  Its already 2:15pm. Im spending my day just hearing the ticking of the clock while lying here in my room.
She shouted. 
She step out in her house feeling the nice and fresh air. She decided to go in the playground which reminded her a lot.
When I was a little kid my Mom and Dad always bring me here. We have a little bonding with each other every weekends.Somehow I miss it a lot. She mumble and let out a heavy sighs.

She was interrupted when she saw Jungkook. 

"Samantha's Pov"

Sh*t. Why am I always seeing him. Even though I'm to much far away from him why?!. I whispered. 
What and Who are you JUNGKOOK in my life!?. ask my self feeling annoyed.
Well, I'll just ignore him..
I continue walking around the playground. I saw a swing and walk towards it.I sit while thinking something.
I was happy to see a happy family here. Enjoying thier weekend with each. But something caught my attention. A little girl. I think she's only 13 below. She is playing guitar all alone sitting in the grass. I'm so excited to see a little girl playing guitar. When I reach her already.

She is singing Good Bye Summer by FX.
I clap my hands cheerfully.
Annyeong!(hello). I greeted her. 
Umh!. Wow!.  That was great.
She greeted me back and a smile formed in her lips. 
I think she's a speechless.
Can I sit beside you?!. I ask her. 
She just nodded her head saying Yes.  
I took a sit beside her. 
Can you sing for me?!.  I ask her. 
Umh!. Hahaha!.Yes!.
She played My Turn To Cry by EXO. 
She looks great. I remember when I'm playing guitar my parents are so proud to me. 
I whispered and let out a heavy sigh.
I was shock when she suddenly ask. 
Are you a GANGSTER?!.
My eyes rounded big as golf ball. 
Hahaha!,  why did you ask?!.  I told her. 
I think your a gangster. The way you talk, the way you dressed.  Hahaha!.Sorry. She said and placed her head down.
Don't be so speechless or scared though I'm a gangster. I'm kind... Do you think if I'm a bad gangster I will hurt you?!. 
She nodded her head saying NO.
Sorry I didn't even know that. She replied with a sorry tone.
Nah,  it's okay.  What is your name?!. I asked her. 
I'm Kim Yumi.  She replied shyly.
Wow! Your name was pretty cool like you!.  I exclaimed.
How about you?!. She ask me. 
"Samantha Park! ". You can call me Unnie if you want when we see each other again. I replied.
Umh, okay!.  She said. 
Where is you parents and why are you all alone?!.  I ask her eagerly.
My family are in my house when I get bored I just go here to relax my self. My house is to much far away here.
Ah, Okay!. I said.  She took a glace on her watch and stand up grabbing her guitar.
It's already 5:30 in the afternoon. Gotta go Bye!.  Unnie. Hope to see you soon. She waved her hand walking away. 
I stand in my position and walk out in the play ground or in the park. 
My phone rang and it's from Mark. 
Yeoboseyo?! (hello). I said. 
Annyeong, Sammy I'm already here in Korea where are you?!.  He ask in a sarcastic tone. 
Just lurking around here.  BTW. Are you going to my house or to our headquaters today with Kyel and Tofler?!. I asked him. 
Yes!. I told them already to go in the headquarters just go there around 8pm.I have something to do. Bye,see you later. He replied and hang up the phone. 
I laugh a bit when I heard my tummy is growling so hard. OMG!.  My tummy is hungry. I whispered. Great!. I yelled. I saw a restaurant and I drag my self to it.  When I reached the restaurant I quickly headed my way to the table and ordered my meal. I waited for my order. When I'm  almost done eating. My bill came. 
Ms., this is your bill!. The girl said. 
F*CK! SH*T. I forgot my money. I took a glance at the bill and it's only 40$. I can pay that if you can let me go out and I will fetch my money. I told her in pleasing tone. 
She nodded her head signaling NO. 
Just wait I'll talk to our manager. The waitress told me and left. 
A few minutes pass the girl came and told me that I can go now.  Someone pay my bills. I ask her who is he/her but she didn't told me. 
Fine, just thank me to him if you saw him again. I left the restaurant. I took glance at my phone and look for the time it's already 7:42pm. I run off tp my house and Great!. I reached my house already. I changed my clothes and shoes. I drove my car and headed my way to the headquarters.
I was in the middle of nowhere near I think to our headquarters. I was get confused with the person who pay my bills.
I'm already here on the HQ. I dialed Mark. 

Hey!  Mark I'm here already, where are you now. I'll wait for you and the guy's. I said. 
Where here at the back.
I hang up the phone A-and.............
Whaaaa!.  Mark I missed you I hugged him. And you guys too. I didn't notice that they are many.  All eyes on me. *_*
How was your day!!?. Kyel broke up the silence between all of us. 
Bastardized!. I replied.
Why!!. He asked curiously. 
Before I got here I decided to eat some food. Because my stomach is craving for it.  When I'm almost done eating my bill arrived then I noticed I don't have money I waited for so long to get out of that restaurant and GOOD someone pay my bills but I don't know who is that person but I told the lady to thank him if she saw that person. My sweat floods my body before. I like trouble but not like that.  I exclaimed.

They all laughed. 
Why all of you are here?!. I ask them.

"Mark invited us because he told us that you are attending school!!". Tofler said. 

"nah. Don't mind it.  I think I will not be able to get here whenever I want.  Because of schools. I regret that I went to my uncles office so that's why I'm attending school.".
They all laughed as I gave them a smirk.
-fast forward-. 

I reached my house already. I open the light all I see was the chandelier at my house,some stuffs, pictures on the wall. 
I just ignored it and watch tv all alone.
I was wondering why I think someone is stalking in my house every midnight.  Like the other two days before?!.  Do I tell Mark?!. I was interrupted when I saw a guy that I always saw every night I didn't know what his face look like but I know that's him.  I quickly turn off the tv and hide my self beside in the big talble and grab some hard thing. 
I heard his creepy steps. My heart is beating so fast.
I heard the door open and he is entering my house. He closed the door and the steps that he make. Make me feel bad.  He's getting into my nerves. He was infront of me didn't even know that I'm just at his front he turned back and I threw up the hard thing to him he fell down and I quickly open the light I was ready to kill him. I put him down.
Who are you?!. I asked.
He slipped the knife he was holding to mine. 
Ouch!. I groaned.
I saw a blood running through my arms.  I punch him hard. 
Tell me who are you?!.  I yelled at him.  He was to strong for me too defeated him by my hands he push me hard that I can't move.  He run quickly off to my house.  My vision became dark, darker and darker.

Hi guys!. Sorry for the late update. I was very busy everyday because of reviewing. I take my preliminary examination. I hope you understand. I'm 12th grader. I think I will not update next weel because I will take my first periodical test. Good luck me.  Hahaha!. 
I love you all readers.
Hope you like every chapter of my story. :D

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