I closed my lids and down I lay,
as I swam to the bottom of an ocean bay.
All my stress went to back of mind,
For the place I was in had no mankind.
You wouldn't believe the sights,
that my eyes had consumed.
A school of fish directed me to the lights,
and I met a mermaid who was doomed.
She spoke soft and asked me to help out,
then began to ask 'why did it go this route?'
Confused I was as I asked her to explain.
She replied, don't you see our polluted domain?
Our homes are being destroyed by rubbish and filth,
oh and lets not mention the oil that spilth.
I'm afraid to say our lives our in danger,
please help we need it and I know you're a stranger.
I stared at her long and hard thinking of a reply,
but the only words I could think were can't help, goodbye!
I knew I had to help it because it was the right thing to do,
but how I was going to, didn't have a clue.
Then something hit me and a lightbulb went off,
I woke up sitting on the loft.
I began to rethink this meaningful daydream,
and I realized the importance of the vivid scenes.
I couldn't stop the pollution but reducing I could,
therefore reducing I would.
So I hope this little poem helped you understand,
that they're are also aquatic habitats not just ones on land.
I believe if we all join forces as the human race,
we could truly make a difference and this world a better place.