Chapter 1

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Neia,s POV

" How fucking low can u stoop Ben?", my mother screamed at my Father.

"You are a Father and all u can think of is to get laid? And not only did u cheat, you got that whore pregnant?"

"Clara i didnt mean to I....I just wanted to get rid of the stress", My Father justified.

All these information gathered in to my 5 year old mind.

What does a whore mean?

What does it mean to get laid?

Why is mommy not happy?

"Ben I tried to be a good wife, but I can't stand seeing you coming home with a lipstick stain on your collar evey night. Don't realise that you have a daughter, it pains me when she comes to me every night asking where her 'daddy' is." My mom said while she sobbed into her hands, sliding down the wall.

"You know what I'm actually glad that i got her pregnant at least, she makes me happy. You can keep that bloody child of your's, I moving out to have a family of my own and a wife that actually pleasures me." My dad scream at her,

I followed my dad into my parents room but stayed outside, my dad was packing all his things. Why would he do that where is he going? As he came out his eyes landed on me, his eyes softened and told me he loved me. All I knew of was that he was not coming back. For a long long time.

HEY non-existant readers, so I'll update this story every Saturday, SG timing. So pls comment and vote. Help me to build this story better. Yay, bai,bai,

My sister's boyfriend.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu