Chapter 3

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Neia's POV 

I broke down. I could not move. I could not breathe. This can't be happening, my mother, my best friend gone just like that.

Where am I supposed to go now, she was my only guardian after my bastard of a father left us for that whore. I am alone now in this cruel world fighting against the demons by myself. With nobody to lean on.

Just as I was about to give up I saw the biggest demon in my life, my father.

"Oh honey you have grown to be a beautiful young lady!" he  said to me as he came closer to me to hug me.

"Get away from me you fucking son of a bitch!", I screamed getting unwanted attention. I gave him a disgusted look as I entered the room.

As I saw my Mother on the bed, the feeling of being alone and helpless came back to me. I needed my mommy back. The one who would go under the bed to check if there was monsters, the one who would let me have ice-cream for breakfast  just because I wanted to, the one who was my chauffer, my chef, my cleaner, my soccer coach, my mother and most importantly my father.

I was in denial, she wasn't dead she is just sleeping... just sleeping. But the coldness of her body begged to differ. I know, I just know that she would be in heaven looking after me.

I heard the door click, my father was standing at the door. He came in with tears in his eyes.

"You may think that I left your mother, cause I didn't love her but the thing is that I never stopped. That woman left after giving birth to my daughter. She just left I wanted to come back to your mother but I just could not face her. I loved her too much to. Guilt eats me up every single day of my life when I think of what I might have put you through. I'm really sorry Leia , please give me a chance to be your father again. Come and live with me and my daughter, your sister in minnesota. Please let me in your life. I promise I never cheated on Clara after that bitch. Please Leia give me a chance to prove to you that I can be your father too. I want to pay for my mistake at least maybe Clara would forgive me after this." he pleaded.

If mom was alive she would want me to do this not for him but for my future and her.

"Fine, but I am only agreeing to this just because mom would want me to do this."

"Great we will be leaving right after the funeral"

"K", I replied, hey it doesn't mean that if I agree to live with him I forgive him I forgive him yet. 

I watched his movements, he went closer to mom and kissed her on the lips as his tears fell on her cheeks. His eyes filled with love.

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